Whether technology deployment, platform licensing, strategic M&A, regulatory compliance, data privacy or cyber security, our clients rely on us to understand both the issues and the market, and to deliver practical commercial solutions.Client Deals Digital twin provider relating to its platform ...
Digital Twin允许供应商或生产商的产品在真正被安装到汽车上之前获得更多数据,测试新解决方案并改进他们的产品。 同样,在智能汽车方面,Digital Twin也可以提供很好的帮助。许多智能汽车制造商都是在数字化虚拟环境中进行自动驾驶方面的测试。由于自动驾驶技术仍在发展阶段,制造商可以将实际测试时获得数据,用Digital Twin不...
Digital Twin是用于改进现有流程的,它为人们提供了一种“虚拟游乐场”,我们可以在模拟环境中尝试各种方法,而不会影响真实产品。 Digital Twin技术用于各种用途,大多数企业都可以从中获益。但是,Digital Twin确实对于部分行业有着更为深远的意义,这一点值得我们在此讨论。 制造与工程 毫无疑问,创建虚拟副本对制造业和工...
当大家还沉浸在BIM的应用时,工业化迎来了Digital twin(数字孪生)以下简称DT。从某一个角度上来说,数字孪生的出现并不会让曾经熟悉BIM的从业者感到陌生,因为在BIM的基础上已经创造除了数字化的虚拟3D模型了。而DT的提出,正是因为IoT(物联网)的兴起。万物互联是一种憧憬,在不同协议标准并没有统一的前提下,首先要...
Digital twinManufacturing industriesIndustrial Internet of ThingsWireless communicationThe industrial Internet of things (IIoT) is an important engine for manufacturing enterprises to provide intelligent products and services. The data analysis model represented by digital twins is the core of IIoT ...
Siemens MindSphere City Graphis a solution that offers a new way to optimize city operations. It creates a digital twin of urban spaces allowing cities to model, monitor, and control physical infrastructure. Through the integration of IoT data, legacy systems, and other data sources, stakeholders ...
The Internet of Things (IoT) and so-called “digital twin” technologies are poised to have a huge impact on the service sector; reducing costs, maximizing data analytics and extending the lifespan of products. Previously, when, for example, an elevator broke down, the customer would ...
随着物联网(IoT)、大数据、人工智能AI等技术的不断进步,数字孪生( Digital Twin)技术已经成为现代工业、城市管理、 医疗健康 等多个领域的重要工具。数字孪生技术通过构建现实世界物理对象的虚拟模型,实现对其性能、行为和生命周期的全方位监控、模拟和优化。自其概念
How do we build scalable and secure IoT solutions? What are the components of an IOT solution? How can CIO’s devise their Internet of Things (IoT) strategy? What should I focus on to ensure digital twin success? Gartner isa trusted advisor andan objective resource for more than 15,000 ...
Industrial IoT has brought the rise of connected devices that stream information and optimise operational behavior over the course of a device’s lifetime. This presentation covers how to develop and deploy MATLAB®algorithms and Simulink®models as digital twin and IoT components on assets, edge...