问题背景 出于安全考虑,苹果一般不允许普通用户从非App Store下载的App。 但是也有例外,有些企业经过苹果允许后,可以自行发布供内部使用的App,这些App不需要从苹果商店App Store下载。 安装这类App之后,需要先进行验证,才可以使用。 否则会出现错误: 解决方法 需要在设置里信任该公司的发布证书。 打开“设置”>“通用...
我已经解决了,我进入~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles,清除了旧的配置文件,同时重启了iOS...
打开苹果手机的设置,点击账号(最上方的头像),并且登录 在点iTunes Store与App Store 点击Apple ID, 登录账号 登录之后再点击Apple ID 会出现几个选项,选择《查看Apple ID》在账户设置,点击下方《付款信息》在新页面账户设置的下方手机字段,填写自己手机(ios开发账号绑定的手机)保持一致,最后点击...
在账户设置,点击下方《付款信息》 在新页面账户设置的下方手机字段,填写自己手机(ios开发账号绑定的手机)保持一致,最后点击完成。 绑定完成,在重新进入官网 https://developer.apple.com/programs/
Sounds like my Xcode app is hosed or it is still trying to verify the simulator runtime??? I'm not sure how to completely delete and reinstall Xcode and get rid of whatever is causing it keep verifying the runtime. 3 comments 0 Copy DrMiller answer ...
Pinned NH Microsoft Resolution -Nicole Hu [MSFT] Closed - Not Enough Info ··· We are unable to investigate this issue further without the additional information requested. If you are able to provide more information, you can request the issue being reactivate below....
Verify the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on iPhone and navigate to General -> Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it. 提示报错信息如上,iphone6的点开通用->设备管理->信任测试账号,即可。
ios Verify Receipt解析异常 苹果显示解析错误 之前苹果强制app上传AppStore必须支持ATS,截至日期是2017年01月01日,但是由于各种原因,导致deadline延期.具体什么时候苹果会强制ATS,官方暂时还没有给出明确答复. 支持Https后,一般情况下只会给域名添加证书.导致app所有的http请求都会走域名,这样就会有DNS劫持的风险.无论...
See the Apple Support article Update to the latest version of iTunes. 3.Click Check for Update. 4.To install an available update, click Update. Best regards. Reply of 1 iPhone 7 // iOS 15.7 // Verify unable to connect to internet Welcome to Apple Support Community ...
报错信息: Verify the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on iPhone6 and navigate to General -> Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it. 解决: 这个有点类似Android中的“允许安装”,此时我们保证数据线连接着手机,打开手...