第一种:添加一个名为 MyProjectName-Bridging-Header.h 的头文件。这将是您导入任何 Objective-C 代码所需要的唯一的头文件,以便您的 Swift 代码可以访问。然后,在项目构建设置中找到 Swift Compiler - Code Generation 部分。将您的桥接头文件的路径添加到 Objective-C Bridging Header 旁边,路径从项目根文件夹开始。
第一种:添加一个名为 MyProjectName-Bridging-Header.h 的头文件。这将是您导入任何 Objective-C 代码所需要的唯一的头文件,以便您的 Swift 代码可以访问。然后,在项目构建设置中找到 Swift Compiler - Code Generation 部分。将您的桥接头文件的路径添加到 Objective-C Bridging Header 旁边,路径从项目根文件夹开始。
Swift Compiler Error (Xcode): Cannot convert value oftype'UnsafeRawPointer'to expected argumenttype'UnsafePointer<pb_byte_t>?'(aka'Optional<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>') /ios/Pods/FirebaseSessions/FirebaseSessions/Sources/SessionStartEvent.swift:191:55 xcode 13.2.1 If using Swift Package Manager, the ...
2.3 Swift编译优化 Swift编译优化有两个参数 Optimization Level 和Compliation Mode配合使用,配置路径为:Build Settings -> Swift Compiler - Code Generation。Optimization Level可选参数值如下所示:Optimize for Size的核心原理与前面介绍的GCC语言编译优化中的-Oz优化原理相同,都是通过对重复的连续机器指令进行外联...
1、将脚本(👇)保存到您的项目中(例如,作为carthage.sh文件)。 2、使脚本可执行chmod + x carthage.sh 3、而不是调用carthage ...调用./carthage.sh ... 例如。 ./carthage.sh构建或./carthage.sh更新--use-submodules Script #!/usr/bin/env bash ...
Swift编译优化有两个参数 Optimization Level 和Compliation Mode配合使用,配置路径为:Build Settings -> Swift Compiler - Code Generation。 Optimization Level可选参数值如下所示: Optimize for Size的核心原理与前面介绍的GCC语言编译优化中的-Oz优化原理相同,都是通过对重复的连续机器指令进行外联并复用,从而降低编译...
CompileSwiftSources normal arm64 com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler(cordova build ios报错),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
// swift-tools-version:4.0 import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "light", dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/uraimo/SwiftyGPIO.git", from: "1.0.0") ] ) And then build with swift build. The compiler will create an executable under .build/debug/MyProject...
In the examples I gave, we did not have to define the data type of the constants at all because the Swift compiler can figure out the proper type from the values we assigned. However, if you want to define the data type manually, you can do so using the following syntax: let integer...
The compile swift step is now ~6x faster. Fixed issues calling the original app delegate methods when the app delegate is set using UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor in a SwiftUI app. Moved Airship Keystore data to its own service bucket to avoid being accidentally deleted by other plugins/apps. ...