支持限制地图区域范围 -(void)setLimitMapRect:(QMapRect)mapRect mode:(QMapLimitRectFitMode)mode 修改 预置的资源文件精简 给QAnnoationView添加coordinate动画时不再需要手动修改annotationLayer.coordinate的值 修复已知问题,提高稳定性 2019-07-24 TencentMapSDK_iOS_3D_v4.2.5 修改 自定义瓦片接口标准化(与4.2.4...
-setFetchLimit:设置最大查询对象数目 -setSortDescriptors:设置查询结果的排序方法 -setAffectedStores:设置可以在哪些数据存储中查询 2 CoreData PG概述 Using the Core Data framework, most of this functionality is provided for you automatically, primarily through an object known as a managed object context ...
When set toNot configured(default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. By default, the OS might allow adding and removing App Clips on devices. This feature applies to: iOS 14.0 and newer iPadOS 14.0 and newer Limit Apple personalized advertising:Yeslimits Apple's personalized adver...
output flow control is off, input flow control is off loopback not set, Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:06 Last clearing of "show interface" counters 00:01:15 5 minute input rate 27000 bits/sec, 30 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 27000 bits/sec, 30 packets/sec 10008 packets i...
[DNSResolver share].cacheCountLimit =200; 3.2.4 设置是否开启IP测速 SDK可设置开启IP测速,如果IP测速开启,解析结果会优先返回速度最快的解析结果IP地址,数组会按照测速结果由快到慢的顺序排列。 SDK默认没有开启IP测速。若要设置开启IP测速,则需要通过以下代码设置: ...
the longer the waiting time. Setup Assistant and Microsoft Intune do not enforce a minimum or maximum time limit during this portion of setup. During product validation, most devices we tested were released and able to access the home screen within 15 minutes. If you enable this feature and ...
1.1 新增限制橡皮擦单次擦除图层数量接口(setEraseLayerLimit)。 1.2 新增限制橡皮擦可擦除的数据类型接口(setEraseLayerType)。 1.3 新增删除元素接口(removeElement)。 新增初始化参数 1.1 syncFps:信令同步频率。 优化: 1.1 涂鸦绘制性能优化。 1.2 涂鸦旋转移动性能优化。 1.3 激光笔移动性能优化。 1.4 激光笔...
[DNSResolver share].cacheCountLimit =200; 3.2.4 设置是否开启IP测速 SDK可设置开启IP测速,如果IP测速开启,解析结果会优先返回速度最快的解析结果IP地址,数组会按照测速结果由快到慢的顺序排列。 SDK默认没有开启IP测速。若要设置开启IP测速,则需要通过以下代码设置: ...
Audio-video group (AVChatRoom): An audio-video group allows users to join and leave freely and is suitable for scenarios such as live streaming and chat rooms with on-screen comments. There is no limit on the number of group members. ...
When enabled, network debugging allows you to view all requests made using NSURLConnection or NSURLSession. Settings allow you to adjust what kind of response bodies get cached and the maximum size limit of the response cache. You can choose to have network debugging enabled automatically on app...