Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge 访问
In Windows Phone, the App object is static and available to any other component in the application. Similarly, in iOS, one UIApplication delegate type is available in the app. To make things easy, I define a macro that I can use anywhere in the app to get hold of the app delegate, c...
此外,对于运行 Windows 11 虚拟机的用户,也可以在 Windows 应用中体验 AI 驱动的 Apple 智能写作工具,当然这需要建立在主机系统已经更新到了最新的 macOS Sequoia 15.1 测试版的基础上。 对于虚拟机系统的支持同样是这一次的更新重点,其中最为重要的当属今年年底发布的 Windows 11 24H2,针对这款微软的 AI 系统,P... 此金鑰會指定聯絡人的筆記是否應該與原生聯繫人同步處理。 接受的值:true、false 如果未指定,則為預設值:true 範例:true 受管理應用程式
考虑到自建快捷指令存在一定门槛,MenuBot 内置了包括天气信息、降雨概率、网页收藏夹、快捷指令启动器等 7 个模板,新增图标时点击对话框左下角的 Example Shortcuts,即可将对应快捷指令一键导入库中,方便新用户快速调用与学习参考。你也可以在 App Store 应用详情的 Notes 部分查询更详尽的使用方法。
Block notes and highlights sync for enterprise books:Yesprevents syncing notes and highlights in enterprise books. When set toNot configured(default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. By default, the OS might allow the syncing. ...
This free app also allows you to share notes for fun communication with a coworker or friend. Quip – Supports Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, Web Quip offers a great interface for text formatting that stays out of the way to maximize the space you have to type. It offers more functionality...
Reporniți OneNote pentru Windows 10 pentru ca modificările să aibă efect. Dacă vă răzgândiți, puteți reveni la anterior proiectare deschizând panoul blocnotesuri (Ctrl + G) și defilând prin file pentru a ajunge la meniul Setări... Notes Apple Numbers Apple Pages Apple Passwords Apple Phone Apple Photo Booth Apple Photos Apple Podcasts Apple Remind...
两者相权,必出其三,于是以 Notes Plus 为代表的中间路线大放异彩,但新的问题又产生了:在电子设备上写字更丑了怎么办? 为此Nebo 出现了,它的解决方案是:借助强大的字迹识别技术,将手写实时转化为印刷体,还能兼顾排版——这可能是当下无纸化笔记的最佳姿势了吧。