Crash分析日志传送门 实战中遇到以下这样的报错: Warning是因为用于Archive打包的Xcode和我本机分析用的版本不一致。下面那句No symbolic inf...
1、No symbolic information found 解决办法: 每一个 和 文件都有对应的 UUID,crash 文件也有自己的 UUID,只要这三个文件的 UUID 一致,才可以解析出正确的错误函数信息,否则就会出现No symbolic information found错误信息。 (1)查看 文件的 UUID,terminal 中输入命令 : dwarfdump -...
2.No symbolic information found 解决办法: 每一个 和 文件都有对应的 UUID,crash 文件也有自己的 UUID,只要这三个文件的 UUID 一致,才可以解析出正确的错误函数信息,否则就会出现No symbolic information found错误信息。 (1)查看 文件的 UUID,terminal 中输入命令 : dwarfdump --...
I've found this good tutorial: read it I understand that I have to use the crash file and the xcarchive/pathtodsymfile to Symbolicate the crash file because my IPA is not in the appstore, is just an ...
No issues found! (ran in 2.4s) **$ flutter doctor -v** [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.2.3, on macOS 11.5.1 20G80 darwin-x64, locale en-US) • Flutter version 2.2.3 at /Users/nate/Developer/flutter • Framework revision f4abaa0735 (5 weeks ago), 2021-07-01 12:46:11...
这篇文章是我在开发 iOS 性能监控平台 SDK 过程前期的调研和沉淀。主要会探讨在 iOS 平台下如何采集性能指标,如 CPU 占用率、内存使用情况、FPS、冷启动、热启动时间,网络,耗电量等,剖析每一项性能指标的具体实现方式,SDK 的实现会有一定的技术难度,这也是我为什么写这篇文章的原因,我希望能够将开发过程中的一些...
In order to create a relative symbolic link, the destinationURL should be created using [NSURL URLWithString:relativePath relativeToURL:nil]. Range Enumeration of NSIndexSet NSIndexSet is an abstraction of, as the name indicates, a set of indexes. It is also often used as a set of non-contig...
If the pkgIndex.tcl file is not found in the user directory, the system library directory is searched. In this task, a Tcl package directory—the pkgIndex.tcl file—is created in the appropriate library directory using t...
There is no default. Source address One of the interface addresses of the router to use as a source address for the probes. The router will normally pick what it feels is the best source address to use. Numeric display The default is to have both a symbolic and numeric display; ...
debugger_should_exit()) { // Configure our reporter NSLog(@"not debug"); // // NSData *lagData = [[[PLCrashReporter alloc] // initWithConfiguration:[[PLCrashReporterConfig alloc] initWithSignalHandlerType:PLCrashReporterSignalHandlerTypeBSD symbolicationStrategy:PLCrashReporterSymbolicationStrategyAll]...