The Local Network settings can be affected by some of the network configurations and might be resolved by resetting the network settings to their defaults. The Local Network settings are a new option in iOS and iPadOS 14, so there is not a lot of public resources. You can refer to Return...
iOS14 当 App 要使用 Bonjour 服务时或者访问本地局域网,使用 mDNS 服务等,都需要授权,开发者需要在 Info.plist 中详细描述使用的为哪种服务以及用途。下图为需要无需申请权限与需要授权的服务: image 在 "隐私设置" 中也可以查看和修改具体有哪些 App 正在使用 LocalNetwork image 如果应用中需...
Add an accessory to the user’s network If you’re creating a hardware accessory and you want to make it easy for the user to add it to their local network, your best option is to build your accessory with that in mind. Use one of these approaches: ...
通过AliPlayerGlobalSettings中的enableLocalCache控制。示例如下: /** * 开启本地缓存,开启之后,就会缓存到本地文件中。 * @param enable:本地缓存功能开关。true:开启,false:关闭,默认关闭。 * @param maxBufferMemoryKB:及以后版本已废弃,暂无作用。 * @param localCacheDir:必须设置,本地缓存的文件目录...
V2TIMLocationElem(Java/Swift/Objective-C/C++) V2TIMFaceElem(Java/Swift/Objective-C/C++) Sample code: Java Swift Objective-C C++ // The original message object in the conversation is `originMessage`. // Modify the `cloudCustomData` information of the message object ...
Feature Description To block a user's messages, add the user to the blocklist. Blocklists Blocking a user CalladdToBlackList(Java/Swift/Objective-C/C++) to add a user to the blocklist, that is, block the user. If you have calledaddFriendListenerto add a listener, blocking a user will...
<local/> </accounting-list> </commands> </accounting> </aaa> <line xmlns=> <default> <exec-timeout xmlns=> /*Configures the exec timeout settings on network devices ...
If you did not find the ' Local Network ' option under Settings - Kasa, please try some tips here: 1. Reboot your phone or IOS mobile device. 2. Confirm there is an Internet connection on your phone. The phone should be connected to the Wifi network or use cellular data and has in...
it downloads correctly but when I try to install it shows "Unable to verify - iOS 18 beta 8 is temporarily unavailable. try again later" I've already deleted the update and downloaded it again, I restarted my phone, I reset the network settings, I have plenty space in my phone and st...
KeyValue false (default) Block network access true Allow network accessConfigure network relaysEdge for iOS now supports network relays on iOS 17. These are a special type of proxy that can be used for remote access and privacy...