Verify your receipt first with the production URL; then verify with the sandbox URL if you receive a 21007 status code. This approach ensures you don’t have to switch between URLs while your app is in testing, in review by App Review, or live in the App Store. 苹果官方文档提到,如果正...
4、一般情况下,进入到 iPhone 手机系统设置,找到 App Store,下面有一个沙盒账户,把你设置的账号添加进去就可以;如果没有找到,试试退出你原来的账户,然后Xcode 运行app,付款的时候,会提示你登录账号,你再登你的沙盒测试账号 5、官方文档:
1.打开应用内购买页面的应用程序,如在To view In-App Purchase product configuration information. 2.单击要删除的程序内置购买产品的排。 3.在应用程序内购买摘要部分,单击编辑。 4.设置清零出售给号. 5.点击保存。 In-App Purchase的产品更改为开发者从销售中删除的状态。用户将不会看到这款产品的销售通过应用...
对于App Store内购(IAP)测试:启用IAP产品:在iTunes Connect(现已合并到App Store Connect)中设置内购...
4、一般情况下,进入到 iPhone 手机系统设置,找到 App Store,下面有一个沙盒账户,把你设置的账号添加进去就可以;如果没有找到,试试退出你原来的账户,然后Xcode 运行app,付款的时候,会提示你登录账号,你再登你的沙盒测试账号 5、官方文档:
create test accounts in iTunes Connect. Testing In-App Purchases was never easier. 资源 请注意,您的TestFlight用户是合法的App Store用户。该用户将从沙箱中的IAP购买,还原等,而不是真正的IAP。 在iTunes Connect上,IAP可以为"已批准"或"准备提交"(或我认为是其他任何状态)。
Apple provides a testing environment, called the sandbox, which allows you to test your In-App Purchase products without incurring any financial charges. The sandbox environment uses special test user accounts rather than your regular iTunes Connect accounts to test In-App Purchase. See Test Users...
由于各种原因,在生产中也可能出现这样的错误;请验证您的应用程序是否正确地处理了这些错误。 原文链接:
由于各种原因,在生产中也可能出现这样的错误;请验证您的应用程序是否正确地处理了这些错误。 原文链接:
Why are In-App Purchases Popular? In-app Purchases: Market size Testing In-App purchases on iOS Devices Dive Into The In-App Purchase Testing (IAP) Flow on a Remote iOS Device Mobile app installs across different business domains have been at an all-time high in the past few years, with...