针对你提出的“ios could not locate device support files”问题,这里提供几个解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 确认iOS设备和电脑连接正常: 确保你的iOS设备已经通过USB线正确连接到电脑上。 在Xcode中查看Devices and Simulators窗口,确认设备已经被正确识别。 检查Xcode版本是否支持当前iOS设备: 打开Xcode,进入Preferen...
我把Xcode 升级到最新版(如:Xcode16.2),无法在安装iOS14的真机上进行调试。 设备提示:Could not locate device support files,如下图所示: 解决方案 先进入下面的文件目录,查看当前Xcode支持的真机包版本(如:我的Xcode16.2 默认是支持iOS15.0+的真机调试,不支持iOS15以前的版本) /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/D...
原因是Xcode 的DeviceSupport里面缺少了对应iOS系统版本的SDK。所以你可以选择将Xcode更新到最新版本。 或者从新版的Xcode目录支持文件复制到自己的Xcode目录中 文件路径:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport 打开这个路径,然后看到ios 系统列表 image.png 找到自己需要的版本(...
Could not locate device support files. This iPhone 6 Plus is running iOS 12.0 (16A366), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode. 这是因为 Xcode 9 默认没有自带 iOS 12 的调试包,下载调试包,然后重新打开 Xcode 就可以了。 iOS 真机调试包集合,包含 iOS 12,下载地址:https://pan....
Could not locate device support files.This iPhone 6s is running iOS11.1(15B93),which may not be supported bythisversionofXcode. 上面的意思是,在调试前我将我手机的iOS系统 升级到了最新版11.1版本,而我的Xcode9支持的最高版本是11.0的。这也不奇怪,手机肯定都是先推送的,这是苹果一贯的做法。那么遇到...
Could not locate device support files (Could not find Developer Disk Image) 从同事那里找到对应手机系统版本文件夹拖进去就可以了。当Xcode连接到手机设备时,Xcode 会自动将 debugserver 安装到手机上 /Developer/usr/bin/debugserver然后Xcode 就能启动 lldb 调试App了。现在咱的目的是调试别人的App,Xcode 就用不...
iOS 13 not supported by Xcode 11. : Could not locate device support files iOS 12 not supported by Xcode : Could not locate device support files To use: download and copy iOS-device-support-files to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport open Applicati...
We are facing an issue with xCode 14 and IOS 17 devices. When trying to run the application from XCode 14 on an IOS 17 device, we get the below error - "Could not locate device support files". What is the best approach to resolve this issue? Boost Copy Siddhesh_Khedekar question ...
iOS-DeviceSupport This repository holds the device support files for the iOS, and I will update it regularly. Usage See docs: https://ighibli.github.io/2017/03/28/Could-not-locate-device-support-files/ Below command will try to unzip all new device support files to /Applications/Xcode.app...
The error I get in Xcode says - 'Could not locate device support files. This iPhone SE (Model A1662, A1723, A1724) is running iOS 12.3 (16F156), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.' Thanks, Manu