So apple has a bug that has been known since iOS 4.3. I saw this bug in iOS 4.3.1 and it still has not been fixed in iOS 4.3.2. When you launch the camera app going through the specific steps below you will get a message that says: Flash is Disabled The iPhone ne...
Off (disable flash) Turn OFF the device's flash for every capture. Pinch to zoom You can use a pinch gesture on the viewfinder screen to initiate the camera zoom. To zoom in, use the outward spread gesture. To zoom out, use the pinch gesture. The zoom applied on your capture is non...
IOS Camera flash 来源:Freesound前往原页面查看译文 作者:JTube 许可:CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述:Taking a photo with my iphone 6 标签:photoiphonecameraflash 加入任务队列 前往声音页面 ——— 类似的声音 ——— 相机哔哔声amp;闪光 by Caitlin_100 来源...
Selfie Stick: Sync 2 devices & use one as a remote control for the other's camera App Store Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 2017 objc ☆43 SwiftSpace: Gyroscope driven drawing in 3D space Screenshot 1 2017 swift coremotion ☆147 Transcription Helper: Player for assisting in transcriptio...
Selfie Stick: Sync 2 devices & use one as a remote control for the other's camera App Store Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 2017 objc ☆43 SwiftSpace: Gyroscope driven drawing in 3D space Screenshot 1 2017 swift coremotion ☆147 Transcription Helper: Player for assisting in transcription...
camera-flash video-camera accelerometer location-services gps microphone AIR 2.6 以降では、必須機能のリストに armv7 と opengles-2 が自動的に追加されます。 注意: アプリケーションでこれらの機能を使用するために、アプリケーション記述子にこれらの機能を含める必要はありません。
Multi-TouchEvents CoreMotion Camera ViewHierarchy Localization Alerts Web Views Image Picker Multi-Touch Controls 在Cocoa Touch层中的很多技术都是基于Objective-C语言的。Objective-C语言为iOS提供了像集合、文件管理、网络操作等支持。像UIKit框架,它为应用程序提供了各种可视化组件,比如像窗口(Window)、视图(View...
VSCO also has an advanced camera app built-in which can shoot manually as well. You can adjust focus and exposure, switch between 3 flash modes, enable gridlines for a balanced composition, and choose interface color. VSCO also comes with a built-in camera that you can manually set up ...
As a result, I no longer had any photos residing on the camera roll and it displayed the stock "use iTunes" message with no ability to access previous photos when calling to the Camera Roll from within the Air application. However, I've found that if you take a new photo after the ...
You can use one of the following options to turn the flash on or off while shooting: Flash Off: Flash never fires when you take pictures or record video. Flash Automatic: Flash only fires in low light situations.Torch The flash on the back camera stays turned on, whether you are shooti...