Modernize the iOS apps you choose to run on a Mac with Apple silicon, or opt out of running on a Mac altogether.
Modernize the iOS apps you choose to run on a Mac with Apple silicon, or opt out of running on a Mac altogether.
One of the advantages of having a MacBook or one of thenew Macswith Apple silicon is that you can actually run some compatible iOS and iPadOS apps on the computer. You can evenrun Android apps on a Mac. They are labeled as such for easy identification. Once purchased or downloaded, you...
Test Your iOS App on Different Devices Running iOS Apps on Mac Running iOS apps on a Mac can be done in a few different ways. The easiest way is to use BrowserStack’s real device cloud; all that you have to do is signup for a free account and start testing instantly. ...
Mac 上的 iOS App 可用性(IOS APP availability on Mac) 最近进入到网站的小伙伴, 都会看到一个让开发主账号同意协议的通知: 随后登录了主账号,同意了这个通知。再切换会后正常账号后,有这样的提示: iPhone and iPad Apps on Mac. All newly created and existing compatible iPhone and iPad...
但当我问到,我们是否有理由认为,一年后,也就是2019年的WWDC,我们会听到更多关于这个问题的想法时,他回答说:“这样想是合理的。”原文链接: 拓展阅读:为什么开发者在 iOS 上就廉价,在 GitHub 上就值钱?编译组出品。编辑:郝鹏程 ...
iPhone and iPad Apps on Mac. All newly created and existing compatible iPhone and iPad apps will be made available on Mac. Your compatible apps will be published on the Mac App Store on Apple Silicon Macs unless you edit their availability. ...
但当我问到,我们是否有理由认为,一年后,也就是2019年的WWDC,我们会听到更多关于这个问题的想法时,他回答说:“这样想是合理的。” 原文链接: 拓展阅读: 为什么开发者在 iOS 上就廉价,在 GitHub 上就值钱? 编译组出品。编辑:郝鹏程...
某些交互界面会自动生成,比如将iOS上的长按变为Mac上的双击。不过,应用程序开发者可能不得不围绕应用程序中的菜单和侧边栏写一些额外的代码,例如使 Mac 应用侧边栏变得半透明或者将共享按钮作为工具栏的一部分。 尽管这些应用程序在操作系统之间能有效地共享,费德里奇强调,你的Mac不会像在iPhone那样运行。“这仍然...
macOS has the concept of ‘protected’ processes, and that includes iOS Apps on Mac. Most diagnostic tools won’t target those unless you disable SIP. IIRC iOS apps don’t work when you disable SIP but I must admit I haven’t tried this myself (still working on my trusty Intel machine...