6.applicationWillTerminate 程序即将退出时调用。记得保存数据,如applicationDidEnterBackground方法一样。 如果你的类是AppDelegate类(声明遵循UIApplicationDelegate协议),那么可以实现上面的6个方法,当App状态改变的时候相应的方法会被调用;如果你的类不是AppDelegate类,那么该类如何知道App的各种状态变化,以及如何使用这些函...
iOS developer at beginner level should know about life cycle of the iOS application. This helps with develop proper application. It’s also help with manage all different states of application during this Life Cycle. Once you do know about iOS Life Cycle as a developer your life gets must ea...
Every iOS app has exactly one instance ofUIApplication(or, very rarely, a subclass ofUIApplication). When an app is launched, the system calls theUIApplicationMain(_:_:_:_:)function; among its other tasks, this function creates aSingletonUIApplicationobject. Thereafter you access the object b...
UIApplication类定义了一个代理,即UIApplicationDelegate(使用它必须遵守UIApplicationDelegate协议并且实现一些方法)。 UIApplication对象会通知UIApplicationDelegate重要的运行时事件(runtime events),并让UIApplicationDelegate进行反应处理,比如,app启动、内存过低、app终止等。 2. UIApplicationMain函数 苹果文档--UIApplicatio...
NSLog(@"②告诉代理启动基本完成程序准备开始运行");//Override point for customization after application launch.self.window.backgroundColor=[UIColor whiteColor]; [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];returnYES; } ③当应用程序将要入非活动状态执行,在此期间,应用程序不接收消息或事件,比如来电话 ...
译:application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:—这方法是应用程序在启动时第一个执行代码的机会 application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:—This method allows you to perform any final initialization before your app is displayed to the user. 译:application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:—这种方法允许您执行应用程序...
Application Life Cycle on iOS The application life cycle constitutes the sequence of events that occurs between the launch and termination of application. In iOS, the user launches application by tapping its icon on the Home screen. Shortly after the tap occurs, ...
funcapplicationDidBecomeActive(_application:UIApplication){// 恢复网络请求httpClient.resumeRequests()// 开始动画viewController.startAnimation()} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 终止阶段 6. AppDelegateWillTerminate 应用程序将要终止时调用。在这个阶段,我们可以进行一些清理工作,例如保存数据、释放资源等。
所谓主运行循环就是指所有和用户有关的事件.UIApplication对象会在 app 启动的时候设置这个 loop.然后用来处理事件和负责更新视图相关的接口.正如名字提示的那样, 这个主运行loop 它是跑在 app 主进程里的.这个就保证了用户相关的事件抗议被有序的处理.
Previously in iOS, the Core Data stack was typically initialized within the application delegate. However, doing so causes a significant amount of code to get muddled in with application life cycle events. Create the Core Data stack within its own top-level controller object, and configure the...