应用违反了苹果的审核规则或中国法律。 涉及敏感领域,如政治、宗教等。 二、应对策略 面对“Other”拒绝理由,开发者需要采取一系列措施来找出并解决问题: 仔细检查应用: 复审应用的代码、界面设计、内容等各个方面。 使用测试工具模拟用户操作,检查应用的稳定性和性能。 查看审核指南: 仔细阅读苹果的App Store审核指南,...
这是一个other-other后依然正常审核的应用,帐号为公司帐号,申请下来不超过2周,帐号中只有这一个应用。提交第3个迭代版本的时候因other-other被拒,反馈之,第二天返回4.3,该应用本身代码不会4.3,主要说的是功能4.3 分析:帐号没问题,应用没问题(其实这个应用还真有问题,只是苹果没有发现),反馈的速度还是蛮快的,之...
2)5月开始,新注册中国区开发者账号下的App,开发者显示不再是英文,直接是中文 (有待验证,有的App开发者3月就已显示中文) # 附件-iOS审核1.0二进制文件被拒截图: # 苹果iOS审核1.0二进制文件被拒或Other-Other被拒 文本: Hello, The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have comp...
We need additional time to evaluate your submission and Apple Developer Program account. Your submission status will appear as "Rejected" in App Store Connect while we investigate. However, we do not require a revised binary or additional information from you at this time. While there may be a...
最近审核经常收到other内容如下: Other - Other Hello, The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have completed our review, we will notify you via Resolution Center. If you would like to inquire about the status of this review, you may file a request via the Apple De...
"other"可以理解为是对开发者账号的一种审查策略,账号审查过后,开启人工审查。 如果在确保账号干净合规的情况下,遇到"other"的处理方法,保持App状态不变,在后台等待,然后提交申诉即可。 等到Apple的账号审查过后,进入人工App审核,按照修改方法修改即可。
App Store Review 对于这样的回复,情况可能会乐观一点,苹果要么是进行例行检查,要么是审核资源紧张,对...
Other - Other Hello, We understand your concern regarding this investigation. However, your account is still under investigation and no action has been taken against it at this time. We are investigating your apps, account, and any related accounts to ensure compliance with the App Store Review...
聊聊苹果审核的Other账号调查 Hello,Thank youforsubmitting your appforreview.We need additional time to evaluate your submission and Apple Developer Program account.Your submission status will appearas"Rejected"inApp Store Connectwhilewe investigate.However,wedonotrequirea revised binary or additional informa...