Windows 8 introduced several new controls for interacting with your app, with and without support for touch screens. In these docs, we'll look at these new controls and how they might vary from the controls you know as an iOS developer. Windows Phone 8.1 provides support for most of these...
1.创建App IDs (1)进入,选择Identifiers,APP IDs,点击+创建APP IDs (2)填写信息 Description:用来描述你的App ID,随便填写就可以,没有什么要求,不要填中文 Bundle ID:格式为,照着格式写,写个方便记的,保存下来,打包的时候要填写 App...
进入App Store Connect =》我的App =》APPName =〉1.0.1(10)准备提交(左边功能栏) =》请在提交 App 前先选择一个构建版本。 =》选择1.0.2(11)=〉完成 =》点击存储(右上角) =〉点击提交以供审核 =》后面根据提示点击“是” 证书我们这边可以借助辅助工具appuploader Appuploader可以辅助在Windows、linux或m...
2)WindowsApp1.WindowsPhone (Windows Phone 8.1) 显然这两个分别是Windows应用中的Windows 8.1 和Windows Phone 8.1部分。其下又有: Properties:应用相关的一些版本号等。 References:引用,主要是用来引用第三方的东东,比如广告啦。 Assets:可以将App所用到的素材资源等放在这个文件夹中。 MainPage.xaml:XAML代码就...
11. 选择iOS App Development。 因为你是Windows系统所以要安装一个中间证书,苹果官方有如下解释: To use your certificates, you must have the intermediate signing certificate in your system keychain. This is automatically installed by Xcode. However, if you need to reinstall the intermediate signing cert...
Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 introduce a new platform for creating engaging apps on desktop, laptop, tablet and phone devices. As Windows Store apps provide many unique capabilities, a straight port of your iOS app will miss out on these features. We therefore encourage you to try out ...
If you go down this route for iOS app development, make sure you get myXcode cheatsheet with references and keyboard shortcuts for Windows users. There are a couple other companies that provide this service: 2. MacInCloud This is the most well known service out of the three. You won’t...
在测试安装APP时,可以以HBuilder打包Vue项目为例。首先,需要进行详细设置。然后,点击“发行-> 云打包-打原生包”,选择刚才制作的p12和.mobileprovision文件,并输入证书密码。点击打包后,等待打包完成。最后,将安装包发送到手机端进行安装即可。 如果选择的类型是iOS App Development类型,则全部测试设备旁边必须有测试设...
2.4 创建成功后,您可以找到刚创建的 iOS 开发证书(类型为 "iOS Development"),并下载保存 .p12 证书文件到电脑中。需要注意的是,一个开发证书可以用于多个 APP 的测试,您可以通过区分申请的描述文件来进行区分。同时,一个开发证书可以对应无数个描述文件。如果您之前已经有两个开发证书了,那么再次申请将会报错。您...
Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 introduce a new platform for creating engaging apps on desktop, laptop, tablet and phone devices. As Windows Store apps provide many unique capabilities, a straight port of your iOS app will miss out on these features. We therefore encourage you to try out ...