苹果手记日记Journal App苹果版是一个信息记录类软件,可以帮助我们记录好生活的内容,什么类型的内容都能记录下来,不管是视频还是文字都能记录好,效率都非常的高,笔记信息都会自动的去区分,保存到指定的位置查询起来都非常的便利,记录环境很安全。 软件特色
【iOS 17.2更新】iPhone的免费AI日记APP!|Journal手记使用实测 8750 8 2023-12-17 17:57:33 未经作者授权,禁止转载 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~141 36 35 9 苹果推出最新的iOS 17.2,当中连同iPhone 15 Pro上面的立体影片录影,让你在Vision Pro上观看;还有就是WWDC当中提到的...
今年 6 月,苹果在开发者大会官宣了一款全新的原生 app:Journal(手记)。顾名思义,这是一本以手机为纸笔的数字日记。▲ 图片来自:Apple 10 月底,Journal 终于在 iOS 17.2 开发者测试版亮相。刚更新完系统,它就出现在了主屏幕,等待着用户将它启封。纸质笔记、社交媒体、第三方日记软件,都可以拿来记录生活...
Journal app Source: Apple iOS 17 introduces an all-new app that revolves around your memories and experiences. The app uses on-device smarts to compile different data types and come up with a report. These include photos you've shot on a certain day, in addition, to text you're prompted...
. But now, with the release of the iOS 17.2 firmware update, the much-awaited iOS 17 Journal app has finally made its appearance. This post details everything you need to know about the iOS 17 Journal app. This post details everything you need to know about the iOS 17 Journal app....
iOS17 推出全新的手记App Journal 可以更好的保存与创造回忆 L麦子俊i的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 转发 4 ñ5 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...数码博主 查看更多 a 1196关注 32万粉丝 54162微博 微关系 他的关注(1207) 肖大宝shaw ...
The Journal app is one example of how Apple continues to invest in new iPhone features on a yearly basis.
Apple introduced the new Journal app in iOS 17.2. It gathers data throughout the day from a Suggestion API accessible to third-party developers to give users the ability to create entries for everything they do. Apple offers suggestions based on Apple Music, locations, photos, and contacts you...
Journal app is finally here Image source: José Adorno for BGR Another feature that Apple announced as a “new experience” is a Journal app. Using on-device machine learning, it will display personalized suggestions that can inspire a user’s journal entry. ...
轻松记录每一天iOS 17.2日志JournalApp使用教学 做为iOS 17在 WWDC 发表的全新 App 之一,《日志 Journal App》这个新的内建应用,似乎很多人第一时间并不会觉得特别在意。 毕竟,对于有在透过移动设备写日记的人来说,在App Store相关应用这么丰富的现在,绝对是早就已经有惯用的应用; 会想要偶一为之以「日」为单位...