您也可以單擊屏幕按鈕以在 MacBook 上的 FaceTime 中共用全螢幕。 步驟4分享到當 FaceTime 與通話另一端分享您的螢幕時,按鈕會變成紫色。要停止在 Mac 上共享螢幕,您只需單擊停止共享屏幕按鈕。 第4 部分:獎勵:在 FaceTime 通話中將 iPhone 螢幕分享到 Windows 儘管您可以在 iPhone 或 Mac 上的 FaceTime 中...
Apple's iOS 17 upgrade brings notable new communication features, adding functionality to the Phone app and the FaceTime app. The Phone app lets...
新的iPadOS 17更新后还能从iPhone控制自定义锁屏、主屏幕上的小部件、健康应用程序、屏幕距离(Screen Distance)功能,、更灵活的后台管理器、外部网络摄像头支持和自由形式更新。iOS 17的第三个测试版在Apple Music中添加了完整的信用、新的主初始屏幕、反应式主屏幕小部件、天气UI更改以及在照片应用程序中恢复照片或多...
With iOS 17 and tvOS 17, you can make FaceTime calls on Apple TV and use your iPhone or iPad as the front-facing camera. Here's how it...
iOS 17 将改进聚焦于细节方面的优化,重点调整电话、信息、Facetime、锁屏界面等。 具体新特性如下: 1、海报 苹果在 iOS 17 中为通讯录引入“海报”功能,可以在通话过程中引入画框图像,用户拨打已设置“海报”的联系人之后,会在对方 iPhone 上全屏显示“海报”。
If you've recently updated your iPhone or iPad to iOS 17, you may have noticed that when you're making a video call using FaceTime, an "F" icon appears on the video call screen. What is the"F"on Facetime iOS 17? The"F"stands for"Focus", which is Apple's new"Depth Control"but...
根据苹果介绍,iPhone使用的iOS 17系统有四大重点:交流、分享、智能输入、新体验,升级了电话、FaceTime和短信的通信体验;“隔空投送”使共享变得更加容易;提供更智能的输入,提高打字的速度和准确性;引入了日志(Journal )和待机(StandBy)新体验,待机是一种在iPhone被放下并充电时查看信息的新方式;健康应用程序提供新的...
iOS 17 brings a visual overhaul to three main apps on the iPhone – Phone, Messages, and FaceTime. Phone app gets Contact Screen which lets users customize the call screen just like the lock screen with the ability to change font style, color, weight, and more. Live voicemail is another...
For FaceTime, a new FaceTime video message feature has been developed, allowing users to leave video messages if a user does not answer a FaceTime call. FaceTime also comes to Apple TV, by using the iPhone camera. The Messages app has gained new Live Stickers features, and a new check...
As mentioned above, iOS 17 brings many features and incremental changes that facilitate the overall usability of your device. Some notable features new to iOS includeContact Posters, NameDrop, Journal app, StandBy, Live Voicemail, etc. Some incremental changes include new FaceTime reactions, the ab...