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Cheat Sheet: Five Ways to Get Best iOS DevelopersSteve Graham
Objective-C Cheat Sheet - A quick reference cheat sheet for common, high level topics in Objective-C. SwiftSnippets - A collection of Swift snippets to be used in Xcode. App Store Checklist - A checklist of what to look for before submitting your app to the App Store. whats-new-in-swif...
尽管大多数服务器端控制是在服务器端处理的。我们参考Web Service Security Cheat Sheet,其实有些是可以在移动端做的,同时移动端可以帮助服务器做一些必要的工作。 补充 设计并实现让移动端和服务端支持的一套共同的安全需求。例如:敏感信息在服务器的处理应该等效于客户端。对所有的客户端输入数据执行积极的输入检查...
github-cheat-sheet - 一些酷酷的Git和GitHub功能收集. jekyll官方文档中文翻译版 - 将纯文本转换为静态博客网站. 搭建一个免费的,无限流量的Blog---github Pages和Jekyll入门 - 示范如何在github上搭建Blog,你可以从中掌握github的Pages功能,以及Jekyll软件的基本用法。更重要的是,你会体会到一种建立网站的全新思路...
Git Cheat Sheet 中文版 地址:https://github.com/flyhigher139/Git-Cheat-Sheet Git Cheat Sheet 让你不用再去记所有的 git 命令!对新手友好,可以用于查阅简单的 git 命令。 正则表达式 30 分钟入门教程 地址:https://deerchao.cn/tutorials/regex/regex.htm ...
Cheat Sheet If you don't have Outlook for iOS, download it from the Apple Store. Tap the compose icon to start a new message. Tap Filter to only show messages that are Unread, Flagged or have Attachments. Quickly take action from your inbox with quick actions. See where you're ...
‘s why the old iOS Design Cheat Sheet that I published last year with the release of the iPad mini needs an update now. I decided to shift away from pure value-based tables about sizes of design elements towards a simple guide that should help to get you started with iOS 7 app ...
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iOS 7 SDK Mirgration Cheat Sheet 最近搞了一点 iOS 7 SDK 的适配,来几个作弊条 UITableViewCell 默认有了一个白色背景,我们来去掉它 self.backgroundColor=[UIColorclearColor]; 原本UITableView是它的contentView的superView,现在中间多了一个UITableViewCellScrollView,而且这个UITableViewCellScrollView默认...