iOS 16 UI Kit for Figma is now available! About I'm unbelievably excited to share this year's iOS 15 UI Kit on the Figma Community, where my goal was to include everything one might need to begin designing. Months of fun, nerdy, creating went into this and every com...
Team meetings Templates for everything from kickoffs to retros Comments8 此文件为 iOS 15 UI Kit for Figma 的 Remixed 版本, 为每个组件增加中文版本,字体为 PINGFANG SC 👉文件链接🔗 陆续更新! 欢迎反馈 👏 2.18.2022 新增Action Sheet 中文版本 动作菜单 新增Share Sheet 中文版本 分享菜单 新增Aler...
swift ios ui-design news material-design xcode mvvm coredata newsapi mvvm-architecture hacktoberfest figma newsapp codeable swiftui sameersyd ios15 swiftui3 Updated Oct 25, 2021 Swift ilobos / DeviceSupport Star 121 Code Issues Pull requests iOS真机调试支持文件,支持iOS9-16,已支持最新的iOS16...
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超赞iOS用户界面套件-社交媒体第二卷(figma),对设计和移动应用程序开发充满热情的用户界面工具包。高质量的模板将完全适合所有iPhone。 下载内容: 6个iphone xs max、xr、x、xs和6个iphone se ios高级模板 520+图标 组织良好的文件 100%矢量,完全可扩展 …
一套figma格式的现代电子钱包交易iOS app UI Kit设计模板,总共有92个精美的页面,包含引导、登录、支付账单、电费单、银行卡绑定、交易往来、搜索、...
一套iOS系统的简约手机银行app UI Kit设计模板,总共有29个经过精心设计的高品质页面,包含资产详情、账户设置、资金往来、添加卡号、个人资料、消费分布、指纹支付、密码支付、收款人选择等。模板为Figma格式,所有元素可编辑,您可以自由调整使用。该模板雾霾蓝与纯白色调结合,设计独特,整体风格极简,非常适合用于各类金融...
Flyway – Travel App UI KitFlyway 是一款新的旅行应用程序,旨在使旅行计划和体验更加高效和愉快。使用 Flyway,用户可以: 👉在一个地方搜索和预订航班、酒店和租车。 👉 访问详细的目的地信息,包括要做的事情、必去的地方以及当地的文化和习俗 👉 根据他们的喜好和预算创建可定制的行程和旅行计划。
The issue I'm having is that if I schedule a local notification on the watch and the phone is unlocked, it will not show on the watch for about 10-15 seconds. If I uninstall the iOS app or have the phone locked, it will show immediately on the watch. To my understanding, this is...