Balsenc, Lucette RDépartement de chimie minérale analytique et appliquée de l'Université, 1211 Genéve 4, SuisseJørgensen, Christian KDépartement de chimie minérale analytique et appliquée de l'Université, 1211 Genéve 4, SuisseWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta...
doi:10.1002/macp.1984.021850118Pascal MarieYves GallotDie Makromolekulare Chemie
The Mössbauer parameters are listed and the existence of unpaired Fe 3+ ions is evidenced.doi:10.1016/0375-9601(83)90662-XE. de GraveR. LeymanR. VanleerbergheElsevier B.V.Physics Letters AGrave, E, Leyman, R, Vanleerberghe, R (1983) Phys. Lett. A 97: pp. 354...
However, the internal store is the major source of Ca2+ ions for the response.doi:10.1016/0898-6568(95)02020-9DeborahE.PackhamandLeleJiangandArthurD.ConigraveCellular Signalling
The structure of some fragment ions formed in the source and in the first field-free region (FFR) of a triple sector mass spectrometer has been investigated by the collisional activation technique. It is shown that the elucidation of fragmentation pathways by metastable peak analysis may lead to...
(2) in the case of monoalkyl phosphates, where the scission of the ester at about pH 4,5 proceeds via the intermediate formation of metaphosphate ion PO3, R′OPO3H can also be formed by the addition of R′OH to PO3 (competitive to the addition of water) besides direct alcoholysis of...
ARTHUR CONIGRAVENAIBEDYA CHATTOPADHYAYThe Parathyroids (Second Edition)Brown, E.M., Conigrave, A., and Chattopadhyay, N. (2001). Receptors and signaling for calcium ions. In Bilezikian, J.E., Marcus, R., and Levine, M.A., The Parathyroids, Second Edition (pp. 127-142). New York:...