We have pointed out that the atomic first ionization energy not only depends on the principal quantum number (n) but also on the azimuthal quantum number (l) of the orbital (n, l) on which the electron of interest is present. The formalism is tested through the calculation of the atomic...
As a disagreement was found by Robinsonbetween measured and calculated values for the ionization potential of Li, I have made a direct calculation by the method described by Hylleraas. The ionization potential in the 13th approximation is found to be 610,058 cm.. This result is in good ...
摘要: an empirical formula for the electron impact ionization cross section: w lotz,rep ipp-1/50, aug 1966 (institut für plasmaphysik, garching, west germany).-经验公式的电子碰撞电离截面:W勒茨,IPP-1/50代表,1966年8月,嘉兴,研究所献给Plasmaphysik(西德).-知来论文发表中心...
79 with a great success for the K-shell ionization of atomic targets in the range 2 ≤ Z≤ 92 for the incident energy EThreshold≤ E≤ 106 keV. A relatively simple approximate formula, known as KLV model in literature,48 was derived by Kolbenstvedt combining both the distant and close ...
Finally, we define the physics of different mechanisms for radiation loss, as this is always an important factor in plasma energy balance. The calculation of degree of ionization and properties of species undergoing ionization can be difficult in general. The details of the ionization process for ...
This model works in the low-energy region near the plasmon peak because the Lindhard model is reliable there and agrees reasonably with the more sophisticated calculation of ϵ2 from QCDark28. In the high-energy region, the imaginary part of the dielectric function is small, ϵ2 ≪...
As it can be seen, ADK tunneling ionization rate depends on the ionization potential Ip, that is equal to the energy at the top of the effective potential barrier, charge of ionized atom Z, but also on laser properties, such as: intensity I and field strength F, the photon energy ω an...
A similar calculation for the ferrocene/ferrocene couple (Fc/Fc+) gives an absolute free energy change of 5.12 eV, so that the ΔG for W24+/5+ is 2.27 eV less than that of Fc/Fc−. Since ΔG=−nFE and F=1 for the conversion from eV to V, E1/2 for W24+/5+ in THF is ...
During the numerical calculation, the 20th order Gauss-Legendre integral formula is used. CTMC simulation We calculated the photoelectron momentum distributions of spatially sculpted fields using the CTMC model. In the model, the positions where the photoelectron tunnels are derived from the Laudau ...
Below, we will fix the functional form of the fundamental pulse shape in Eq. (1) and allow only the peak field strengthE0of the fundamental field to vary. In Fig.1below, presenting results of the TDSE calculation, we show and analyze, not the functional derivative itself, but a proportion...