Stopping power : the same as linear energy transfer (LET). Sub-lethal damage: radiation damage which does not induce an endpoint scored as lethality. Survival curve: a graph of the logarithm of the fraction of undamaged entities vs the dose. Synchrotron: a resonance device in which bunches...
The excitation of the silver atoms is carried out either by electromagnetic radiation (X of gamma), or by particle radiation (beta, proton, alpha). An absolute measure of the quantity of silver in the dosimeter is obtd. The relation dose-measurement is linear. The measurement is independent ...
gamma, alpha and beta radiations. The concerns at that time focused on the hazards of ionising radiation which had been proven and documented. NIR devices did not come under any legislative control. For NIR devices to be controlled under the Radiation...
Electron/beta radiation detector measuring mostly electrons (plus few gamma photons) with four very low-cost BPW34F or BPW34FA diodes (<1 EUR each). This variant is not able to detect alpha particles but is easier to operate (less sensitive to visible light and electromagnetic interference, ...
ChernobylNuclearPowerStation 135000peoplewereremovedfromanareawithinaradiusof30km.Thesmokeandradioactivedebrisreachedaheightof1200mandtravelledacrossRussia,PolandandScandinavia.AcloudofmaterialfromtheaccidentreachedtheUKand,withheavyrain,therewasmaterialdepositedonpartsofnorthWales,CumbriaandScotland.This...
Gamma radiation as a probe of chromatin structure s : damage to and repair of active chromatin in the metaphase chromosome. Radiat Res 1 984; 9 8 : 629-4 1 . 1 2 1 . Zenneno A , Cole A . Radiosensitive structure of metaphase and interphase hamster cells as studied by low-voltage ...
The gamma emission represents an adjustment in the energy and configuration of the nucleus following an alpha or beta transformation. Gamma rays are uncharged, have no mass and travel at the speed of light. They are correspondingly very penetrating, travelling up to several hundred metres in air...
The excitation of the silver atoms is carried out either by electromagnetic radiation (X of gamma), or by particle radiation (beta, proton, alpha). An absolute measure of the quantity of silver in the dosimeter is obtd. The relation dose-measurement is linear. The measurement is independent ...