Class 11 CHEMISTRY Alkali metal salts ionic and soluble in ... Alkali metal salts ionic and soluble in water. The solubility of an ionic compound depends on (i) lattic ethalpy and (ii) hydration enthalpy. These two factor oppose each other. If hydration ethalpy is high, the ions will ...
The ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen higher than that of sodium .Both hydrogen and sodium have one electron in the valence shell. But the size of hydrogen is much smallar than that of sodium and hence, the ionisation enthaply of hydrogen is much higher(1312KJmol−1)than that of sodium(496...
Learn the concept of Chemical reactivity, Ionisation & Electron Gain Enthalpy Also about periodicity of fundamental properties of elements across the periods, groups.
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The second ionisation enthalpy is Asmaller than the first ionisation enthalpy Balmost equal to the first ionisation enthalpy Csmaller than the third ionisation enthalpy Dequal to the second electron gain enthalpy.Submit The ionisation enthalpy of alkaline earth metals is AGreater than alkali metals...
A: Ionization enthalpy decreases on moving down the group . R: Force of attraction between nucleus and electrons decreases on moving down the group. View Solution Ionisation energy increases on moving down a group in the periodic table.
The factors responsible for the ionization enthalpy of the main group elements to decrease down a group are listed below: (i) Increase in the atomic size of elements: As we move down a group, the number of shells increases. As a result, the atomic size
The first ionization enthalpy of sodium is lower than that of magnesium. This is primarily because of two reasons: (1) The atomic size of sodium is greater than that of magnesium (2) The effective nuclear charge of magnesium is higher than that
What is ionization enthalpy ? On what factors does it depend ? How does ionisation enthapy of the elements very as we move down a group and along a period ? View Solution How does the ionization energy of first group elements vary?
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