Mumbai:Ion Exchange Waterleau Ltd.,a joint venture of Ion Exchange (India) and the Waterleau Group,Belgium,has launched advanced and effective solutions for waste water treatment and recycle,with Lucas Anaerobic,Lucas Aerobic and Indion membrane technologies.Chemical Engineering World Group...
6) ion exchange wastewater 离子交换废水 1. Pretreatment technology of ion exchange wastewater released from the production of monosodium L-glutamate; 味精生产中离子交换废水的预处理技术研究补充资料:废水离子交换处理法 借助于离子交换剂中的交换离子同废水中的离子进行交换而除去废水中有害离子的方法。
This study was designed to use reverse osmosis (RO) process for the treatment of high TDS regeneration wastewater of ion-exchange plant to reuse the treated wastewater. At present, the wastewater is discharged to evaporation lagoons without any treatment. Although numerous researches have been ...
Ion Exchange Resin for Water Softening, Demineralization, Harmful Ion Removal There are many uses of water in industry and, in most cases, the used water also needs treatment to render it fit for re-use or disposal. Raw water entering an industrial plant often needs treatment to meet tight...
ResinTech has been a global leader in the field of ion exchange for water purification since its founding in 1986. The company has since expanded to manufacture water purification cartridges and lab water systems, provide resin regeneration and wastewater treatment services, reverse osmosis membrane res...
Pre-treatment Potable Water Demineralization Complete Purification Re-use Desalination Zero-discharge Heating Exchanger Unit De-ionized Steam Pressure-Tem Unit RO Skids (Desalination) Iox-exchange Skids Potable Water Skid Containerized Water Treatment System Potab...
In this context, adsorption and ion-exchange, as well as the integration of both processes, have been proposed as promising technologies for the treatment of wastewaters for resource recovery. Therefore, the aim of this Special Issue, entitled Wastewater Treatment by Adsorption and/or Ion-Exchange ...
Coagulation [5], ion exchange [6], precipitation [7], reverse osmosis [8], membrane filtration [9], electrolysis [10], chemical reduction [11,12], phytoremediation [13], and adsorption [14,15] are some of the wastewater treatment methods that have been developed and improved through time....
Huiming Zeng, Jiuyang Lin, Chunsong Ye1, Lihui Tong, Xiaolan Chen and Fei Yu1, Ion Exchange Softening and Alkalization Treatment for Zerodischarge of Circulating Cooling Water. J. Electromagnetic Analysis & Applications, 2009, 1: 6-10.
Combined treatment of swine wastewater by electron beam irradiation and ion-exchange biological reactor system 2015, Separation and Purification Technology Show abstract Microbiome characterization of MFCs used for the treatment of swine manure 2015, Journal of Hazardous Materials Citation Excerpt : However,...