There are two types of ion exchange chromatography, anion exchange where the chromatography matrix is positively charged and cation exchange where the matrix is negatively charged. This process allows for target molecule binding and impurity removal over a wide range of proces...
Ion exchange chromatography is most often performed in the form of column chromatography. However, there are also thin-layer chromatographic methods that work basically based on the principle of ion exchange. Image Source:Technology in Science Working Principle of ion exchange chromatography This form o...
Journal of Chromatography A Volume 34, 1968, Pages 292-296NoteChromatography on ion exchange papers XXIII. Further results on ion exchange with organic solvents☆ Author links open overlay panelL.OssiciniM.LedererShow more Share Cite rights and ...
The Dionex Easion is an integrated ion chromatography system consisting of a pump, an injection valve, and a conductivity cell. Other system components (guard column, separator column, and suppressor) are ordered separately. The Dionex Easion is controlled with a PC (personal computer) running ...
Using high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAE-PAD), the key carbohydrates can be separated in under 10 min with minimal sample pretreatment. The method is robust and c...
This chapter focuses on recent advances in the field of ion-exchanger-based voltammetric sensors, whose widespread use has given rise to a new electroanalytical technique named ion exchange voltammetry (IEV). The chapter starts with a brief historical overview and a short introduction to voltammetric...
Application Notes: Determination of Total Phosphorus in Wastewater Using Caro’s Reagent and Ion Chromatography Application Update: Anion Determinations in Municipal Wastewater Samples Using EPA Method 300.1 (A) on an Integrated Ion Chromatography System ...
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange is an international journal that publishes original research papers, reviews, and notes that address all aspects of solvent extraction, ion exchange, and closely related methods involving, for example, liquid membranes, extraction chromatography, supercritical fluids, ion...
WHITE PAPER 73175 IC–MS: Ion Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Author: Alexander N. Semyonov, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Austin, TX 78728 Keywords: ion chromatography, mass spectrometry, separation sciences, IC–MS overview, identification, quantitation, IC–MS/MS, disinfection byproducts, polar ...
Application Update: Determination of Anions in Acid Rain by Ion Chromatography Application Note: Determination of Fluoride in Acidulated Phosphate Topical Solution Using Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography Application Notes: Determination of Total Phosphorus in Wastewater Using Caro’s Reagent and Ion Chromatograph...