今天研究阿里巴巴的对接,发现IDHTTP 的post 如果是 https 的连接就会报:“IOHandler value is not valid.”错误 加载https的站点页面内容的时候记得在窗体上加上“IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1” 以及idhttp里面IOHandler为“IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1” 不然老报“IOHandler value is not valid.”错误。 dnspod A...
出现这种问题的原因是由于访问的 URL地址为https或存在其跳转地址为https。 首先单纯使用idhttp是只能访问http,而https则需要搭配IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL来实现对https的访问支持,当然还需要在系统目录或编译目标程序的同目录下有ssleay32.dll与libeay32.dll两个SLL协议的支持库。 下面贴出一个简单示例,但对于需要...
出现这种问题的原因是由于访问的 URL地址为https或存在其跳转地址为https。 首先单纯使用idhttp是只能访问http,而https则需要搭配IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL来实现对https的访问支持,当然还需要在系统目录或编译目标程序的同目录下有ssleay32.dll与libeay32.dll两个SLL协议的支持库。 下面贴出一个简单示例,但对于需要...
However some systems are getting an "IOHandler value is not valid" error. It is compiled using the default THTTPRIO settings (no defines) in D7 (to use Wininet not Indy), however that LOOKS like an INDY error. I've looked through all the links I can find and do not see a solution...
地址是以开头的吧https:// idhttp 进行post 时经常报。
[Unsecure] IOHandler value is not valid 11002iohandlerprtg Createdon Sep 2, 2021 9:02:27 AM Permalink 1 Reply Votes: 0 Hi there, Basically, this means that the PRTG sensor was not able to establish a secure TLS connection to the page at the moment when the error mes...
Delphi的idhttp报IOHandler value is not valid错误的原因 2017-08-17 00:43 −... KK.Yip 1 5659 docker报错: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid 2019-12-18 16:15 −环境:centos7 问题:docker 启动没问题,但是下载 镜像时报错 问题说明:这种错误,一般都是本地系统时间错误导致报错...
We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. Include my email address so I can be contacted Cancel Submit feedback Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {...
if stdin is not None: self.stdin = stdin else: self.stdin = sys.stdin if stdout is not None: self.stdout = stdout else: self.stdout = sys.stdout self.stderr = self.stdout self.logout = DevNull() self.noprompt = noprompt self.raw_input = use_raw self.completekey = completekey se...