truncated zip file 错误表示在尝试读取或解压一个 ZIP 文件时,文件被截断或不完整,导致无法正确解析或解压。 2. 可能原因 文件下载不完整:如果从网络下载 ZIP 文件,可能在下载过程中由于网络问题导致文件未完整下载。 文件损坏:ZIP 文件可能在存储或传输过程中被损坏。 文件截断:在某些情况下...
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When I run the app the file was again truncated. Then I created another AppIcons set. So now I have two icon sets one named AppIcons1 and the other named AppIcons2. Now built the app and got the sharing error again. But now the Contents.json of the AppIcons1.appiconset is ...