where Dtpcis doses determined by treatment, period and cow, β is the quadratic effect and the linear effect is given by the parameter α in the model with β set to zero. The significance of these effects was tested using a F-test, based on Kenward-Roger approximation, from the “pbk...
These results show differential effects of iodoform on maize silage and clover grass silage and suggest that more research is needed to study the mechanism of methane reduction by iodoform in enteric methane production. Abstract Iodoform has been shown to be an enteric methane-reducing agent. This ...
The iodoform test therefore gives the positive result (yellow24p3recipit presence of ethanol and isopropanol; thus, the test can be only used to dis tweeWnempreotvheathneocloancnedpttohfothseeclaepgaabilliatylcoof hanoliosd. oform reaction with several types of alcohol. The results are shown ...