supplements and aids have simply failed. However, if I wasn’t100% convinced the iodine/iodide supplementation found in IodinePlus2 is the answeryou've been seeking, I wouldn’t be putting my name and my reputation on the line supporting it. ...
86 reported on another meteoric water study, that showed evidence of a preferential speciation for 129I (as iodide) vs.127I (as iodate) in rain water suggesting a native difference in the primary atmospheric species containing each isotope that was scavenged by the rain (Fig. 8). The ...
The transport of iodide from the central compartment into the thyroid is an active process mediated by the NI-symporter and thus cannot be described by first order kinetics in the presence of higher iodide concentrations as expected in the case of iodine blockade. That’s why for modeling iodide...
Besides being a required element, iodine has therapeutic properties. An organic iodide,ethylene diaminedihydriodide (EDDI), and calcium iodate are widely used asfeed additivesfor livestock and poultry. EDDI has been used to prevent and treat foot rot in cattle (questionable effectiveness) using amou...
Iodine is also used to for radiation emergencies, to protect the thyroid gland against radioactive iodides. Potassium iodide tablets for use in a radiation emergency are available as FDA-approved products (ThyroShield, Iosat) andon the Internet as food supplements.” ...
cancers, such as leukemias, directly). Taking large amounts of thyroid saturates iodide receptors prevents uptake of most radioactive iodine-131 that may be present from fission product exposure (although it does not protect from other radioisotopes, nor from any other form of direct radiation)....
Radiation tolerance, Differentiated thyroid cancer, Radioactive iodine therapy, Sodium iodide symporter, Damage repair References [1] 中华医学会核医学分会.131I治疗分化型甲状腺癌指南(2021版)[J]. 中华核医学与分子影像杂志, 2021, 41(4): 218−241. DOI:10.3760/cma.j.cn321828-20201113-00412. ...
(U.S., Iceland) the ratio of PTC:FTC ranged from 3.4 to 6.5, while in countries with ‘moderate’ iodine intake (the U.K. and northern Germany) the ratio was from 1.6 to 3.7, and in countries with ‘low’ iodide intake (Argentina, Columbia, Finland, southern Germany, Austria and ...
THE ACTION OF X AND GAMMA RADIATION UPON AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF IODINE AND POTASSIUM IODIDEdoi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.1930.tb41931.xG. HarkerJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdMedical Journal of Australia
1 Radioactive iodine (RAI; sodium iodide I 131, or Na131I) has been extensively used to treat hyperthyroidism since the 1940s and has been the preferred first-line treatment by US physicians for uncomplicated Graves disease.2,3 However, in recent decades, preference for RAI therapy as a ...