For the calculation of the equivalent dose, we assumed a thyroid weight of 17 g. This value is considered as a reasonable value averaged for both sexes in the US by the US National Cancer Institute (2015) and based on extensive autopsy examinations: e.g., New York,n = 762, mean ...
Water iodine intake of each pregnant woman was calculated via this formula: the sum of drinking water and soups (mL) × the iodine content of water / mL. Statistical analysis General statistical analysis was performed using SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A P-value less than 0.05 ...
16 × 16 × 16 MP k meshes are chosen to ensure k-point sampling convergence with Gaussians of 0.025 Ry, which approximates the zero-width limit in this calculation. Results and Discussions The (n = 2h −ig h5 )-phraevsesubereensypnertfhoermsi...
According to the DFT calculation, the adsorption of iodine by UPC-158-HX included charge interaction between electron-rich benzene ring and electron-deficient I2, hydrogen-bond interaction (NH···I) and halide-halide interaction (X···I). Protonation and halogenation of UPC-158 increased the...
p Value1 0.469 0.023* <0.001** 0.541 Sociodemographic characteristics Gender Male 4.86(4.32,5.52) 1.26(0.90,1.95) 1.44(1.23,1.69) 2.95(2.45,3.49) Female 4.88(4.27,5.57) 1.16(0.85,1.69) 1.58(1.37,1.81) 2.88(2,37,3.55) p Value1 0.939 0.002** <0.001** 0.352 Age 18–39 years 4.44(3.95...
Finally, the density functional theory (DFT) calculation was applied to reveal the capture sites and adsorption mechanism. Results Design and synthesis of SCU-COF-2 In the previous design philosophy of iodine uptake materials, the iodine molecules mostly fill into the open space to reach a high ...
2.2.3. Calculation and Analysis of Dietary Iodine Intake and Contribution Rates of Different Food Sources to the Total Dietary Iodine Intake Calculation of dietary iodine intake: Dietary iodine intake mainly comes from food, drinking water, and salt, and the calculation formula is dietary iodine int...
The calculation of the size of the silver crystallites using the Debye-Scherrer formula gives the values 7.4, 8.6, 11.3, 27.5, and 43.8 nm. J. Compos. Sci. 2022, 6, 384 Figure 8. IR spectrum of the product of solid-state thermolysis of silver maleate. The SEM image (Figure 9) ...
Using the back-calculation method to estimate iodine in the salt used to produce the bread, a higher number of bread samples (187 or 90% of samples) were found to have been produced using adequately iodised salt (≥15 mg/kg) than was found by RTK; four samples (2%) were found to ...
Since the Italian iodoprophylaxis strategy is based on the use of iodized salt, we assessed the relationship between dietary salt consumption and iodine intake in the Italian adult population. We estimated the relative contribution given by the use of io