Conventional CTC showed masses in 4 patients, which were considered to be stools by dual-energy iodine mapping and confirmed by colonography. Compared with the pathological findings, the diagnostic accuracy of adenocarcinoma detected was significantly different between conventional CT and dual-energy CT (...
17. Obmann MM, Gehweiler J, Schindera ST, Clinical evaluation of a novel multibolus contrast agent injection protocol for thoraco-abdominal CT angiography: Assessment of homogeneity of arterial contrast enhancement: Eur J Radiol, 2020; 126; 108957 18. Chen PA, Huang EP, Chen KT, Comparison ...
Women participating in the study met the following inclusion criteria: a fasting blood glucose (FBG) < 92 mg/dL, an age ≥ 18 years. Exclusion criteria were: having a multiple gestation, a gestational age (GW) > GW14 and/or intolerance/allergy to nuts or extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)...