RTMP是实时消息传输协议(Real-Time Messaging Protocol)的缩写,是一种用于音视频流传输的协议。在使用N...
On Linux(>=3.15), the fcntl module exposes the F_OFD_GETLK, F_OFD_SETLK and F_OFD_SETLKW constants, which working with open file description locks. 这个模块定义了以下函数:fcntl.fcntl(fd, cmd, arg=0) Perform the operation cmd on file descriptor fd (file objects providing a fileno() ...
设置php能够连接mongodb(扩展,sqlserver) 注意:1.下载版本号正确2.文档输入正确 3.phpStudy版本号正确4.需要重启 首先下载他的mongodb文件:http...\php-5.6.27-nts\ext打开其他菜单选项>打开配置文件找到php.ini文件添加粘贴到phpStudy\PHPTutorial\php\php-5.6.27-nts\ext下的 ...
If you are not able to change kernel version in your project, you can instead build librealsense from source code with CMake using the RSUSB backend installation method. This method is not dependent on Linux versions or kernel versions and does not require kernel patching. Instructions for perf...
THREADS FORK works well... In traditional UNIX model, when a process needs something performed by Another entity, it forks a child process and lets the child perform the processing. But fork is expensive! Memory is copied from the parent to the child IPC is required to...