Figure 1 shows an example of IOCTL call instructions. Figure 1. IOCTL call instruction example WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 SOKET-FUNCTION PIC X(16) VALUE 'IOCTL'. 01 S PIC 9(4) BINARY. 01 COMMAND PIC 9(4) BINARY. 01 IFREQ. 05 NAME PIC X(16). 05 FAMILY PIC 9(4) BINARY. 05 POR...
Figure 1 shows an example of IOCTL call instructions. Figure 1. IOCTL call instruction example WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 SOKET-FUNCTION PIC X(16) VALUE 'IOCTL'. 01 S PIC 9(4) BINARY. 01 COMMAND PIC 9(4) BINARY. 01 IFREQ. 05 NAME PIC X(16). 05 FAMILY PIC 9(4) BINARY. 05 ...
系统调用函数名以“sys_”开头,后面是该系统调用的名字,由此构成了sys_name()这样的函数名。在include/asm/unistd.h中 不同 的体系结构为每一个系统调用定义了惟一的编号,假设用name来表示系统调用的名称,那么系统调用号与系统调用响应函数的关系是:以系统调用号 __NR_name作为下标,可找出系统调用表sys_call_tab...
对该函数解释如下: The ioctl() system call manipulates the underlying device parameters of special files. In particular, many operating char acteristics of character special files(e.g., terminals) may be controlled with ioctl() requests. 函数参数: int fd:打开的文件描述符... unsigned long requ...
/* 55 */CALL(sys_ioctl); 调用sys_ioctl() /include/linux.h asmlinkagelongsys_ioctl(unsignedintfd,unsignedintcmd,unsignedlongarg); 然后调用SYSCALL_DEFINE3(ioctl, unsigned int, fd, unsigned int, cmd, unsigned long, arg) /include/linux/syscalls.h#defineSYSCALL_DEFINE3(name, ...) SYSCALL_DEFI...
* This is the structure as used in the I2C_RDWR ioctl call */ struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data { struct i2c_msg __user *msgs; /* pointers to i2c_msgs */ __u32 nmsgs; /* number of i2c_msgs */ }; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. msgs使用前必须先分配一下内存,msgs=(struct i2c_msg *)malloc(...
printf("Call cmd MEMDEV_IOCGETDATA fail\n"); return-1; } printf("<--- In User Space MEMDEV_IOCGETDATA Get Data is %d --->\n\n",arg); close(fd); return0; } 1,ioctl介绍 ioctl控制设备读写数据以及关闭等。 用户空间函数原型:int ioctl(int fd,unsinged long cmd,...) ...
notifier_call = vfio_pci_bus_notifier if (action == BUS_NOTIFY_ADD_DEVICE ret = bus_register_notifier(&pci_bus_type, &vdev->nb) vfio_pci_vga_init -> Video Graphics Array (VGA) connector vfio_pci_is_vga aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_devices vga_client_register(pdev, vfio_pci_set_...
LOCAL_PATH :=$(call my-dir) 返回当前文件在系统中路径, 文件开始时必须定义该变量。 include $(CLEAR_VARS), 表明清楚上一次构建过程的所有全局变量,因为在一个 Makefile 编译脚本中,会使用大量的全局变量,使用这行脚本表明需要清除掉所有的全局变量。
[in] Set to IOCTL_HAL_DDK_CALL.lpInBuf [in] Pointer to a BUSDATA_PARMS structure. The first DWORD of this structure is set to the IOCTL_HAL_GETBUSDATA or IOCTL_HAL_SETBUSDATA IOCTL to indicate a read or write operation, respectively.nIn...