error("Unable to push Prometheus Metric", e); } } }); executor.shutdown(); } Example #9Source File: From keycloak-metrics-spi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes /** * Build a prometheus pushgateway if an address is defined in environment. * * @return PushGateway ...
用户可以在prometheus的http页面上用promQL(prometheus的查询语言)或者(grafana数据来源就是用)api去查询一些信息,也可以利用pushgateway去统一采集然后prometheus从pushgateway采集(所以pushgateway类似于zabbix的proxy),prometheus的工作架构如下图: 为什么需要prometheus-operator 因为是prometheus主动去拉取的,所以在k8s里pod因为... Response code from http://xx.xx.xx.xx:9091/metrics/job/flinkb70c1c134b3ba0a918a7b21a4d443982 was 200at at
Exporting to a Pushgateway Bridges Graphite Custom Collectors Contact Using Assets If you use Maven, you can simply reference the assets below. The latest version can be found on in the maven repository for io.prometheus. <!-- The client --> <dependency> <groupId>io.prometheus</groupId> ...
IOException Response code from http://localhost:9091/metrics/job/job_name/instance/localhost was 200 io.prometheus.client.exporter.PushGateway.doRequest ( I noticed there was a recent change on the checking of the response code hereddf03f1#diff-03479f39aa27f4338f7e985625fd38...
Prometheus Pushgateway(with Time To Live) The Prometheus Pushgateway exists to allow ephemeral and batch jobs to expose their metrics to Prometheus. Since these kinds of jobs may not exist long enough to be scraped, they can instead push their metrics to a Pushgateway. The Pushgateway then expose...
pushAdd(registry, "my_batch_job", groupingkeys); // pushgateway.pushAdd(registry, "my_batch_job"); } Example 2Source File: From jmx_exporter with Apache License 2.0 6 votes public static void premain(String agentArgument, Instrumentation instrumentation) throws Exception { //...