I'm using AWS Amplify CLI Multienv 20, I'd like to be able to invoke another (Amplify managed) lambda function from my Amplify managed lambda function - I need to grant the invoking lambda the role that permits it to invoke my second lambda - however I cannot find any way to manage ...
The suggested configuration here: lambda_punch/README.md Line 42 in 77e05e3 config.to_prepare { LambdaPunch.start_server! } ... will cause an Errno::EADDRINUSE error to be raised if a lambda is invoked manually, because the LambdaPunch s...
How can i implenet Equal case insensitive lambda expression How can i Insert,update the radio button value into Database(ASp.Net-Vb.net) How can I loop through dropdown list items ? how can i make dynamically Iframe src how can i pass value from content page to master page? How can ...
resource aws_lambda_function bogo-lambda-function { depends_on = [ null_resource.ecr_image ] function_name = "${local.prefix}-lambda" role = aws_iam_role.lambda.arn timeout = 300 image_uri = "${aws_ecr_repository.repo.repository_url}@${data.aws_ecr_image.lambda_image.id}" package_...
Another guideline is available fromSpotify - Web API Creating a lambda function The "lambda-basic-execution" role has the "AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole" policy attached: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", ...
apollo-server-lambda v2.25.1 Ran into this error after updating apollo-server-lambda package. Some investigation led me to the following closed ticket: #5016 However, I think the change that caused this original problem, also caused anot...
Description Making a simple REST API call to invoke a lambda, using the Amplify library generates an exception. The exception is of the type "IncompleteSignatureException". This is the exception (and the code that produced it is below): ...
What issue did you see ? I am seeing a weird issue with Lambda invocation when using boto3 client. Here is a brief summary: boto3 client times out (ReadTimeoutError) after synchronously invoking long running lambda even after lambda fini...