Command to extract pager attribute from Active Directory Command to fetch a list of particular job title Command to find out office bit version for remote computers Command to goto start of script Command to retrieve response header information when using Invoke-Restmethod Command Window Stuck In Ins...
$result=invoke-command-computername<server_name>-scriptblock{hostname} 1. 但是它什么也没返回。 那么Invoke-command是否不捕获脚本块的返回码? 还有其他解决方法吗? 可以尝试的办法: 如果您在另一台服务器上以这种方式运行命令,则无法在该处获得脚本的返回代码。这是因为Invoke-Command可能仅在单个临时会话中在...
例如:Invoke-Command -Cn (gc Servers.txt) {param($Debug=$False, $Clear=$False) C:\Scripts\A...
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "目标计算机名称" -ScriptBlock { Start-Process -FilePath "cmd.exe" -ArgumentList "/c your_command" -WindowStyle Hidden } 在上面的示例中,将"目标计算机名称"替换为你要远程执行命令的计算机的名称或IP地址。将"your_command"替换为你要在后台运行的cmd命令。 这样,invo...
PowerShell runs the script block immediately in a child scope of the current scope.Before using Invoke-Command to run commands on a remote computer, read about_Remote.Starting with PowerShell 6.0 you can use Secure Shell (SSH) to establish a connection to and invoke commands on remote ...
-ScriptBlock <scriptblock> Specifies the commands to run. Enclose the commands in braces ( { } ) to create a script block. This parameter is required. By default, any variables in the command are evaluated on the remote computer. To include local variables in the command, use the Argument...
-RunAsynchronously 指示作业以异步方式运行,以便控件立即返回到命令行界面。 类型:SwitchParameter Position:Named 默认值:None 必需:False 接受管道输入:False 接受通配符:False -ScriptCommandSetting 指定脚本命令设置对象。 类型:SCScriptCommandSetting Position:Named ...
Powershell Invoke-带有任意ScriptBlock的命令 是一种在PowerShell中执行脚本块的命令。脚本块是一组可重复使用的代码,可以在PowerShell中调用和执行。通过使用Invoke-Command命令,可以在本地或远程计算机上执行脚本块。 该命令的语法如下: Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock <ScriptBlock> -ComputerName <string[]> -...
Set-CMTSStepRunCommandLine Set-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript Set-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence Set-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable Set-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr Set-CMTSStepSetVariable Set-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem Set-CMUpdateGroupDeployment Set-CMUserDataAndProfileConfigurationItem Set-CMVpnProfileConfigurationItem...
Cannot perform the operation because the command is already started.Stop the command and try the operation again. (or) No commands are specified. ScriptCallDepthException The script recursed too deeply into script functions. There is a fixed limit on the depth of recursion. ...