Anti-CoV2RBD-c1-mIgG2a cov2rbdc1-mab10 100 ug Nano-SiO2 tlrl-sio-2 20 mg (2 x 10 mg) EK1C4 inh-ek1c4 25 ug TL2-C29 inh-c29 5 mg MycoStrip™ rep-mys-50 50 tests 293-SARS2-S Cells 293-cov2-s 3-7 x 10e6 cells 293-hMyD88 Cells 293-hmyd 3-7 x 10e6 cells ...
tlrl-2216 (formerly tlrl-hodna): 200 μg (31 nmol) lyophilized ODN 2216 1.5 ml sterile endotoxin-free water tlrl-2216-1 (formerly tlrl-hodna-1): 1 mg (155 nmol) lyophilized ODN 2216 1.5 ml sterile endotoxin-free water tlrl-2216-5 (formerly tlrl-hodna-5): ...
ODN 2216,货号:Invivogen-tlrl-2216-1 ODN TTAGGG (ODN A151),货号:Invivogen-tlrl-ttag-1 ODN 2216,货号:Invivogen-tlrl-2216-5 Tamoxifen,货号:Invivogen-tlrl-txf U0126,货号:Invivogen-tlrl-u0126 ODN 2216 Biotin,货号:Invivogen-tlrl-2216b" ...
InvivoGen tlrl-2216b ODN 2216 Biotin 50 µg InvivoGen tlrl-2216c ODN 2216 control 200 µg InvivoGen tlrl-2216c-1 ODN 2216 control 1 mg InvivoGen tlrl-2216c-5 ODN 2216 control 5 mg InvivoGen tlrl-2216f ODN 2216 FITC 50 µg InvivoGen tlrl-2336 ODN 2336 200 µg InvivoG...
链接:http://www.invivogen。。com 公司简介 InvivoGen成立于1997年,是一家专注于天然免疫研究领域的生物科技公司。公司创始人Gérard Tiraby是图卢兹大学的终身教授,他在1970年代发现了一种新型抗生素Zeocin®,并在1980年代初研发出抗支原体抗生素Plasmocin®。InvivoGen凭借其在微生物学领域的专业知识,率x在2000...
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ODN 2006 (class B): 5’- tcgtcgttttgtcgttttgtcgtt-3’ (24 mer) ODN 2006 Control: 5’- tgctgcttttgtgcttttgtgctt-3’ (24 mer) ODN 2216 (class A): 5’- ggGGGACGA:TCGTCgggggg-3’ (20 mer) ODN 2243 (ODN 2216 Control): 5’- ggGGGAGCATGCTGgggggg-3’ (20 mer) ODN 2395 (cla...
ODN 2216 Biotin Class A - Biotinylated CpG ODN 2216 Add to favorite 2 x 50 µg tlrl-2216b ¥2,550 Discontinued Please contact our distributor About Specifications Contents Biotin labeled CpG oligonucleotide - Human TLR9 ligand CpG ODNs are synthetic oligonucleotides that contain unm...
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