5、gDateInside addressSalutationBody of letterComplementary closeSignatureEnclosure The BOARD OF DIRECTORS of XYZ CORPORATIONInvites you to attend a dinner party in honor of JONH SMIHTPresident and Chief Executive Officerto be held at the ABC Hotel, Atlanta on Friday evening, September 14 at 7:00...
to attend the Grand Opening Ceremony of their new Office Supplies Superstore at534 Fourth Avenue Cleveland,Ohio at 0900 hours on Sunday, May 1, 2008 The Board Directors Turner Communications 381Fifth Avenue R.S.V.P.by April 15, 2008 Sample Invitation Card 2: 兹定于10月1日(星期六)中午12:...
Communicate the purpose of the luncheon below the headline. Write “Please be our guest at...” Complete the sentence accordingly. For example, you might say “our annual employee appreciation luncheon,”“our quarterly board of directors luncheon” or, if you wish to imbue an air or suspense...
常玉田商务英语写作之4Letters of Invitation Unit2 SocialCorrespondenceLesson4LettersofInvitation ByChenXidong Contents •Section1GettingStarted•Section2SampleStudy•Section3ComposingYourMessage•Section4WritingYourMessage•Section5LetterPractice•Section6SupplementaryMaterials 返回 ByChenXidong Section1Getting...
The Offeror shall include a letter with its Offer setting forth the name and address of the governmental unit, the effective date of this suspension or debarment, the duration of the suspension or debarment, and the relevant circumstances relating the suspension or debarment. If suspension or ...
Necessaryrepetitionhelpsthewritertoemphasizehisidea.-Bright,verybrightwerethestarsoverthewilddarkYenanhills.-Happyandgaywejoininthedance.2)NeedlessExpansion Whenawordmaywork,wedonotuseaphraseinsteadtoexpressanidea.Whenaphraseiseffective,wedonotchangeitintoclause.WordyAsforherfamilyweknownothingaboutthem.Revised...
a. With their help, we’re sure this weekend is going to be a rewarding experience for everyone involved. (formal) b. I am particularly anxious to have you join us. 4. Thank you in advance for taking any action necessary on the contents of this letter. a. It is my pleasure to ...