Freeman, On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am writing to invite you to act as one of the judges for the coming English speech contest of our college in May. The contest will be held in the Yifu Building on campus at 3:00 pm on May 6th. And your work is mainly to grade the...
As a judge, your job includes scoring the contents of their speech and grading their gestures as well. Meanwhile, you're kindly requested to make some comments on their presentation accordingly. At the end of the contest, all the judges are expected to come on stage to present awards to ...
As a judge, your job includes scoring the contents of their speech and grading their gestures as well. Meanwhile, youre kindly requested to make some comments on their presentation accordingly. At the end of the contest, all the judges are expected to come on stage to present awards to ...
Pudlow, Jan
Dear sir, On behalf of postgraduate association, I am writing this letter with my distinct honour to invite you to be a judge for the upcoming English Contest held in our school auditorium , next Friday,from 7 am to 11 am. The event, centered around a green lifestyle, aims to inspire...
While Codechef's judge has significantly improved, it still judges 2x slower than Codeforces's judges when there are long queues and only just equals Codeforces's when the queue is small. → Reply xuanquang1999 6 years ago, # ^ | ← Rev. 2 +8 Does that mean a solution could get...