Invisibility 5e can be learned by Bards,Sorcerers,Warlocks, Wizards, and evenArtificers. Because this can be a Wizard spell, classes that can learn Wizard spells through certain subclasses (looking at you, Arcane TricksterRogueand Eldritch KnightFighter) can take this spell, albeit at slightly lat...
This mod attaches a small script to all invisibility effects in the main game that restores the messed up eye textures that result every time the player turns invisible/visible. Original author has tested this with invisibility spells (Illusion and Vampiric), potions,Nightingale Shadowcloak ability,...
They state that they are still obscured and removes the guess work of trying to find the exact location. The Casting Player argues that since the spells says that "you see invisible creatures as if they are visible," that means they should be able to ignore the Invisibility con...
In addition to this, there are certain units that innately counter invisibility. Slardar has an ability that can reliably punish, for a rather extended time, invisibility. Bloodseeker has a passive that reveals all units below a certain hp. The necronomicon, another item anyone can buy, has u...