The investment in Bear Robotics epitomizes LG's dedication in accelerating the advancement of its service robot sector, a pivotal component of its future growth strategy. LG has been nurturing its robot business as one of its future core pillars. From the deployment of guide robots at Incheon ...
We have lowered our euro/US dollar forecast to 1.05 over 12 months, with a view that the bulk of the US dollar strength ought to arrive in the first half. The market may naturally exacerbate some of the strong US dollar forces, pushing it to overshoot in the short term and b...
Past performance does not guarantee future results. There is no guarantee that any investment or strategy will generate a profit or prevent a loss. Time to Short the Fangs? PublishedJuly 23, 2020financeClosed Tags:FAANGs,investing,market rally,Stock Market Valuation,Tech Stocks ...
Analysis of Goldman Sachs' "Trump Bull Market 2.0" investment advice 10:44 香橼做空微策略Microstrategy:比特币的双刃剑 13:56 AI投资又一主线浮现:美对冲基金大举买入核电股 13:33 股票实战技巧:命悬一线战法:抓住主力洗盘后的拉升机会 08:15 板块轮动能否支撑大选年美股的长期上涨? 05:12 Sector ...
Abstract The investment strategy implications of this book are that an owner should have the optimum fleet and be in the spot market during a bull shipping market; and should keep the fleet at a minimum to cover fixed expenses and be in the period market during a bear shipping market. The...
the fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. A fund's ESG investment strategy may result in the fund investing in securities or industry sectors that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for ESG standards. In addition, companies selected...
A key bear-market strategy isshort selling, which looks to profit from stocks that decline in value. Selling short is risky, however, because there's no guarantee the stock price will go down—and it could in fact go up. It also involves a few more steps than buying a stock. But for...
Investment management refers to the handling of an investment portfolio or a grouping of assets. It involves buying and selling assets, developing investment strategies, creating a tax strategy, and managing asset allocation. It can also include banking, budgeting, and other financial duties. ...
Sector rotation, whether you're using ETFs or individual stocks, is an active, not passive, investment strategy. You have to stay on top of anticipated changes in the economic cycle to be ready to move your money in time to beat the cycle. ...
In face of the challenges of Covid-19, the Europe energy crisis, and inflation, the US stock market entered a bear market period in 2022. During a down market period, market neutral strategy is widely preferred, since it can minimize market risks by constructing a zero-beta portfolio. This...