–The Claimants and Hapū further need torequest and requirethat the other States do not sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement with the New Zealand Government or its representatives, as in doing so those States would be assisting in a process that undermines the Constitution of New Zealand...
(describing the British Labor Party’s endorsement of privatization of state-owned enterprises and recent elimination of a Marxist clause in its constitution advocating common ownership of the means of production). Even Heilbroner now admits: “It turns out, of course, that Mises was right.” ...
their functions for the benefit respectively of the people of Ghana, of the stool, skin, or family concerned”(Constitution of the Republic of Ghana1992). While detailing the mechanisms of what constitutes a charge of social obligation emphasised by Ghana’s constitution, section 45 of Ghana’s ...
国际商法英文版:3 Chapter 5 Foreign Investment.ppt,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [1] Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China (2004 Amendment): Article 13: The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over private prop
Section 155(6)(a) and (7) of the Constitution sets out specific functions that play a significant role in businesses deciding which municipality to invest in, including the following: Building regulations; Electricity and gas reticulation; Potable water and sanitation services; Stormwater management...