The present study shows the benefit of using casting simulation software in investment casting to analyze different defects like shrinkage porosity, cold shut, blowholes, and hard zones. In this context, three industrial case studies are discussed. For the first......
The Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) or Silica Sol Process segment represents a premium segment in the investment casting market, characterized by its superior dimensional accuracy and surface finish capabilities with minimal defects. Despite its higher costs, averaging around 6.5 USD/kg for automotive or...
During casting, metal non-fill defects were presented at a low preheat mould temperature of 500 °C. The interaction products found between the metal and mould included a combined (Ti, Zr)5(Si, Al)3 and ZrAl2 phases, a re-precipitated ZrO2 phase, and a Al2O3 film at the interface....
Startup Funding: February 2023 The cost of borrowing is going up, but investors continued to pour money into the chip industry in February. Collectively, 132 companies raised more than $4.5 billion last month. One of the big beneficiaries was quantum computing, with nine companies drawing a tot...
Influence of Casting Defects On Fatigue Strength of An Investment Cast TA6V AlloyDr. Yves NADOT
SURFACE defectsINVESTMENT castingDEEP learningMETAL defectsMETAL detectorsMetal defects detection has always been an essential task for the majority of various industries, moreover, it is the core element in the metal inspection too. This research paper explores the effectiveness of di...
titanium alloys/ casting defectsMacroscopic modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow is now routinely used for the prediction of macroscopic defects in castings, while microscopic models are used to investigate the effects of alloy changes on typical microstructures. By combining these two levels of ...
INVESTMENT castingMAGNETIC particlesMAGNETIC testingINSPECTION & reviewIn this study, a user-friendly intelligent inspection device was developed employing deep learning techniques to effectively detect and characterize surface defects in investment castings. The inspection techniques encompassed a ...
Investment castingSurface-defectsIntelligent inspectionDeep learningCNNRes-NetR-CNNIn this study, a user-friendly intelligent inspection device was developed employing deep learning techniques to effectively detect and characterize surface defects in investment castings. The inspection techniques encompassed a ...
Investment castingCasting defectsShrinkage porosityGrain structureTurbine bladesNiyama criterionTurbine blades have complex geometries with free form surface. Blades have different thickness at the trailing and leading edges as well as sharp bends at the chord-tip shroud junction and sharp fins at the ...