The article discusses challenges facing investment banking in Asia, focusing on the lack of equity issuance opportunities in the region. It is noted that financial institutions such as Barclays, Morgan Stanley, and Citi have ordered layoffs in their Asian banks. Other topics include competition for ...
CIMB Group is one of the largest investment banks in Asia and one of the largest Islamic banks in the world. Read more about CIMB Group here.
No. 1 Best Counterparty (Asian Banks) in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand Asiamoney FX Survey Derivatives House of the Year in Malaysia Triple A Asset Asian Awards 2019 No. 1 in ASEAN local currency bonds for 9 consecutive years Bloomberg league tables ...
“Multilateral development banks play a critical role in fighting climate change, especially when it comes to unlocking capital for clean energy investments in developing countries,” said Michael R. Bloomberg, UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions and founder of Bloomb...
private and public investment firms, banks, and family offices. InvestBank is able to generate regional and international attention for its clients' transactional needs. The firm is also able to facilitate transactions which may require deal points that differ from standard market terms and conditions...
Banks are slowlyimproving their game, both to entice women into investment banking and to retain them. Credit Suisse, for example, has an Asia Pacific women in investment banking and capital markets (IBCM) group, promoted by the bank’s co-heads of IBCM for the region. The group hosts even...
Predicated on this fundamental premise, the two questions central to this research are: how did China seek status in the case of the AIIB? And relatedly, in what ways is the new lender different from the existing multilateral development banks (MDBs)? Before proceeding any further, three ...
Banks are slowlyimproving their game, both to entice women into investment banking and to retain them. Credit Suisse, for example, has an Asia Pacific women in investment banking and capital markets (IBCM) group, promoted by the bank’s co-heads of IBCM for the region. The group hosts even...
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank that provides financing for infrastructure projects in Asia. Like other development banks, its mission is to improve social and economic outcomes in its region, Asia, and beyond. It has 106 member countries and $100...
In terms of internal governance and management, the Asian Investment Bank has established a comprehensive three-level management structure consisting of a board of directors, a board of directors, and a management team, following the common practices of multilateral development banks. It has also ...