Denmark’s Wind Farm Revolt: Danes Demand & Get Ban on New Wind Turbines Denmark is the home of the original eco-fascist profiteers – Vestas – the struggling turbine maker – run by by a band of crooks – once exhorted the world to “Act on (its parallel universe version of the) Fac...
In the past, some investors were nervous about giving up oil companies in their portfolio, because while it was a dirty substance, it was also what made the world go round – which meant it was a cash cow. Now, however,oil is on its way outas renewable energy and battery storage have...
Oceans could unlock more opportunities to facilitate the global transition to clean energy. Fixed offshore wind farms in shallow coastal waters are currently the largest marine-based source of clean energy. However, other technologies are also emerging, such as floating offshore wind turbines in deep...
The company’s focus on its Wind segment, which includes onshore and offshore wind turbines and blades, is to capitalize on secular demand for zero-carbon power generation. The company is shifting its Onshore Wind strategy to fewer markets, maintaining competitive advantages and increased productivi...
Be that as it may, I see a trend run in parallel to this. While cheap and abundant gas is readily available, oil companies are starting to challenge the biggest wind developers in the race to build off-shore wind turbines in the North Sea. ...