Alpha vs. beta in investing Alpha represents how much an investment’s actual return exceeded its expected return, based on its risk level. Alpha is used to evaluate whether an investment outperformed a certain benchmark. Beta, on the other hand, measures how volatile an asset is compared ...
Alpha vs. beta: What’s the difference? Alpha and beta are two Greek letters that get used a lot in investing, but their meanings can be misunderstood. Alphais generally used to measure how much an investment outperformed its benchmark. Fund managers conduct deep research on companies and oth...
Alpha vs. Beta Investors use both the alpha and beta ratios to calculate, compare, and predict investment returns. Both ratios use benchmark indexes such as the S&P 500 to compare against specific securities or portfolios. Alpha is the risk-adjusted measure of how a security performs in compari...
An abstract of the article "Investing Separately in Alpha and Beta," by Roger G. Clarke and colleagues is presented.doi:10.2470/rf.v2009.n3H. SilvaR. ClarkeSteven ThorleyCFA DigestClarke, Roger G., H. de Silva, S. Thorley. "Investing Separately in Alpha and Beta", Research Foundation ...
The article focuses on the separation of alpha and beta as a strategy in institutional investing. Some of its benefits include fees and efficient market theory. It states that beta is accessible through exchange-traded funds and index products while alpha can be seen in less efficient areas of ...
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使得按核心业务看,3 个头部玩家的 PE 估值区间从 23 年底的 10x~18x,收拢到约 9x~13x。由此推论,市场似乎认为电商之间的差异化(alpha)正在消散,各玩家都会向行业平均水平(beta)靠拢,因此对任何公司(主要是拼多多)都不愿给出更高的估值。 2、业绩表现并不相同 ...
Investment implications: An alpha imperative We believe the post-pandemic investment regime characterized by higher inflation, rates and valuations will require a new approach to equity investing. One implication of this new backdrop is lower market return, or beta, suggesting that a higher portion ...