Although the Uva province in Sri Lanka consists of more than~50% of such forests and scrublands, the spatial distribution and quantification of carbon storage are rarely studied. Thus, the prime objective of the current study was to model and estimate the carbon storage of the Uva province in...
InVEST modelScenario analysisEconomic valuationAssessment of urban carbon balance is imperative to address anthropogenic climate change. Biotic sequestration by urban vegetation and soil boosts terrestrial carbon storage and helps in maintaining the balance. However, unplanned urbanization in developing nations ...
Fig.6 Land use change and its carbon storage change in Puding County from 2003 to 2020 图7 2003-2020年普定县碳储量空间分布 Fig.7 Spatial distribution of carbon storage in Puding County from 2003 to 2020 图8 2003-2020年...
董光-成都理工大学创建的收藏夹默认收藏夹内容:InVEST模型丨碳储量(Carbon Storage and Sequestration),详细操作,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Change of land use has important impacts on change of carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems. Studying the spatial layout of land use change and carbon storage can benefit the optimization of territorial space layout and the coordination of relationshi
本文基于南京市 1980、 1990、 1995、 2005 年四期 TM 遥感影像, 借助 InVEST 模型分析了南京市土地利用/覆盖变化及生态系统碳储量的动态变化。【关键词】 陆地生态系统; 土地利用/覆盖变化; InVEST 模型; 碳储量Carbon storage based on INVEST modelLI Xiaoyong(School of c... ...
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(62101219,62201232) 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK20210921,BK20201026) 江苏师范大学科研基金项目(20XSRS008)资助。 关键词 Invest模型 Flus模型 土地利用类型 碳储量 江苏省 Invest model Flus model Land use type Carbon storage Jiangsu Province 分类号 K90 [历史地理—人文地理学] 登录...
InVEST模型碳储存碳储量(Carbon Storage and Sequestration)模块---碳达峰碳中和政策下的模型使用 3.0万播放 0成本日本爆火双下巴按摩操2.0进阶加速版 |双下巴不见啦! 53.0万播放 在过山车上唱歌是一种怎么样的体验 27.6万播放 爱说不出口,但可以把这条视频转发给ta 31.0万播放 二十大报告全文解读——马克 40.5万...
文章来源:Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | Using the InVEST-PLUS Model to Predict and Analyze the Pattern of Ecosystem Carbon storage in Liaoning Province, China ( 摘要:研究碳储量的时空分布格局,平衡土地开发利用与生态保护,促进城市低碳可持续发展,是中国“双碳战略”(碳排放稳定与自然碳吸收...
关键词:碳储量;InVEST 模型;CA⁃Markov 模型;疏勒河流域TemporalandspatialvariationofcarbonstorageintheShuleRiverBasinbasedonInVESTmodelLIUYang1,ZHANGJun2,3,∗ ,ZHOUDongmei2,MAJing2,DANGRui1,MAJingjing2,ZHUXiaoyan21SchoolofManagement,GansuAgricultureUniversity,Lanzhou730070,China2CollegeofResourcesand...