1. “Invest in”表示“投资于”,指的是将资金、时间或资源用于某个项目、企业或市场,以期望获得回报。例如:“他决定投资于房地产市场。”这里的“invest in”强调投资的对象。 2. “Invest on”一般不常用,可能是错用,“invest on”没有固定的意思和用法。如果要表示“投资于”,应该使用“invest in”而不是...
您好,invest in (doing)sth意思是“在某方面投资”。
英语(美国) Invest in is grammatically correct, and invest on is not. 查看翻译 1 like Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (1) Hong_tang_bao 2023年6月6日 中文(简体) @potoooooooo thank you, can I say “I invested a lot of time and money in studying...
Medieval Latininvestire, from Latin, to clothe, fromin-in +vestisgarment Verb Italianinvestireto clothe, invest money, from Latin, to clothe More from Merriam-Webster oninvest Nglish:Translation ofinvestfor Spanish Speakers Last Updated:
Invest in China Contains news updates about media center, national development zones, industries, setting up a business, why China on investinchina.chinaservicesinfo.com.
都有的 ,你看看例句 What you invest in depends entirely on your needs.你投资于什么要完全根据你的需要。.Hi-tech companies invest huge amounts of money into new projects.各高科技公司投下巨额资金发展新项目。这两个一个分开用 ,一个合起来用 ...
invest释义如下:v. 投资;投入(时间、精力等);授予,给予(权力等)详细释义:1、 ~ (sth) (in sth) 投资 to buy property, shares in a company, etc. in the hope of making a profit.2、~ (sth) (in/on sth) (of an organization or government, etc. 机构、政府等) (把...
invest 的短语: invest in(v.+prep.) 在…上投资,在…投入(时间,精力等) use money to buy shares, property, etc. in order to earn interest or profit; put (time, energy) on sth I have decided to invest in a new car.我已经决定买一辆汽车。 invest with(v.+prep.) 把…授予; 赋予某种性...
These bond funds stand out as top picks for retirees in 2024. Coryanne HicksNov. 18, 2024 7 Best Funds to Hold in a Roth IRA Looking for tax-efficient income or growth? Consider using a Roth IRA to hold your funds. Tony DongNov. 14, 2024 ...