The agreement is intended to help attract more foreign investment into Oman in general, and its special economic zones and free zones in particular, by accelerating and streamlining investor transactions through the use of theInvest Easyportal. In time, investors will be able to acquire all require...
WKH 3URPRWHU 6FRUH program provides the input needed to improve customer VDWLVIDFWLRQ:KHQFXVWRPHUVLQ3RUWXJDOH[SUHVVHGGLVVDW- isfaction about waiting on line, Europcar management there installed an innovative queue management system, which dispensed numbers to waiting customers. ...
As a whole, the banking system is well-capitalized, with capital adequacy ratio well above the international standard. The peso has continued to strengthen, after being named as one of the top performing currencies in Asia in 2007. The Philippines passed the Anti-Money Laundering Act in 2001....
As a whole, the banking system is well-capitalized, with capital adequacy ratio well above the international standard. The peso has continued to strengthen, after being named as one of the top performing currencies in Asia in 2007. The Philippines passed the Anti-Money Laundering Act in 2001....