in the two groups, it is unlikely that these genes have been accidentally missed. Instead, their absence indicates gene losses early during diversification of the respective groups, similar to what has been seen for other animals61. Overall, fifteen gene ontology terms were significantly enriched (...
The amphipods include the gammarids, a group of crustaceans that can be abundant in littoral areas of lakes and within streams, while some taxa have more specialized habitats (Smith2001; Wellborn et al.2015; Alther et al.2017). The mandible base of the three examined species,Gammarus fossaru...
analysis also yielded no hits in our data or in the public data. This confirms the previous notion that the entire Secretin neuropeptide superfamily appeared in vertebrate genomes (Cardoso et al.2020). In our opinion, supported by a recent review of Cardoso and his co-workers (Cardoso et al....
invertebrate biodiversity. The present study aims to answer the following research questions: (i) to what extent canP. crispamats function as habitat for sessile invertebrates, and (ii) how does this biodiversity compare to neighbouringPosidonia oceanicaseagrass meadows? We focussed on the sessile bio...
In the context of taxonomy, the ultimate goals are classifications and names; phylogenetic analysis is done by taxonomists specifically and primarily for the purpose of informing a classification (Hennig 1966) so that it may be informative (Farris 1979) and predictive (Nelson & Platnick 1981). ...
Cooper DJ (1986) Community structure and classification of Rocky Mountain wetland ecosystems. In: Windell JT (ed) An ecological characterization of Rocky Mountain montane and subalpine wetlands. USDI Fish Wildl Serv Biol Rep, Washington, DC, pp 66–147 ...
The present review addresses the potential of MNP derived from microorganisms-invertebrate assemblages and the production of the target metabolites for the initial steps of drug discovery. This work focuses on in toto aquaculture of invertebrate holobionts, i.e., the invertebrate host and the ...