be left v. 被遗弃 left for vbl.出发去 on the left 在左边 the left n.左边 additive inverse 加法逆元,加性逆元 inverse annealing 反退火 inverse astigmatism 反规性散光 相似单词 inverse n. 反白,反色 a. 倒转的,相反的 left n. 1. 左,左面 2. 左边的东西 3. 左转弯 4.[the L...
left inverse 词条 left inverse 专业释义 <数学>左逆的 <科技>左逆 词条提问
left inverse 美 英 un.左逆 网络左逆元;左逆的 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 左逆
Assert.IsTrue(TestUtilities.IsNearlyEqual(s.InverseLeftProbability(0.5),2.0)); } 开发者ID:JackDetrick,项目名称:metanumerics,代码行数:7,代码来源:Bugs.cs //////Computes the Weibull distribution that best fits the given sample.//////The sample to fit.///<returns>The best fit parameters.</...
left inverse element 英 [left ˌɪnˈvɜːs ˈelɪmənt] 美 [left ˌɪnˈvɜːrs ˈelɪmənt]网络 左逆元
on the left 在左边 相似单词 homotopy 同伦; 伦移 inverse n. 反白,反色 a. 倒转的,相反的 left n. 1. 左,左面 2. 左边的东西 3. 左转弯 4.[the Left] 议会中的左派;激进分子 5. 左手,左拳 6.(行进中的)左脚 7.【军】左翼 adj. 1. 左 left in 留守 inverse flame 倒焰 Left Al...
left inverse element 词条 left inverse element 专业释义 <数学>左逆元 词条提问
Linear Programming – Sensitivity Analysis – Matrix Inverse – Left Inverses – Generalized InverseThis paper shows how to obtain an exact inverse in the form of a product modification to a given inverse when the matrix has been altered additively by a matrix of a certain class. Explicit ...
Left and right inverse eigenpairs problem for $\kappa $-hermitian matrices and its optimal approximate problem are considered. Based on the special properties of $\kappa $-hermitian matrices, the equivalent problem is obtained. Combining a new inner product of matrices, the necessary and sufficient...
Firstly we give necessary and sufficient conditions that element in S_n has right inverse or left inverse and that element in S_n has unique right inverse. 首先给出了Sn中元有随机右逆的充要条件以及元有唯一随机右逆的充要条件,其次,给出了Sn中元有随机左逆的充要条件。 2. And then, this pa...